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“United States Imposes Sanctions on Individuals Involved in West Bank Violence”

The United States Takes Action Against Individuals Involved in West Bank Violence

In a strong stance against violence and instability in the West Bank, the United States has implemented new measures to address actions that threaten peace, security, and stability in the region. These measures include imposing financial sanctions on individuals connected to escalating violence against civilians. The move comes as part of the United States’ commitment to promoting accountability for harmful activities that undermine the prospects of peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

The new Executive Order, announced by President Biden, establishes U.S. authority to issue financial sanctions against those involved in certain actions that include acts or threats of violence against civilians, intimidating civilians to force them out of their homes, destroying or seizing property, or engaging in terrorist activity in the West Bank.

One of the individuals targeted by these sanctions is David Chai Chasdai. Chasda initiated and led a riot in Huwara, which resulted in the death of a Palestinian civilian. The riot involved setting vehicles and buildings on fire, assaulting Palestinian civilians, and causing significant damage to property. Chasda’s actions directly threatened the peace, security, and stability of the West Bank.

Another individual facing sanctions is Einan Tanjil. Tanjil was involved in assaulting Palestinian farmers and Israeli activists by attacking them with stones and clubs. These attacks resulted in injuries that required medical treatment. Such acts of violence targeting civilians have a detrimental impact on the region’s stability and security.

Shalom Zicherman is also among those designated for sanctions. According to video evidence, Zicherman assaulted Israeli activists and their vehicles in the West Bank. He blocked them on the street and attempted to break the windows of passing vehicles with activists inside. Zicherman’s violent actions caused harm to individuals and further contributed to the instability in the region.

Yinon Levi, who led a group of settlers, is another individual facing sanctions. Levi and his group engaged in actions that created an atmosphere of fear in the West Bank. They regularly assaulted Palestinian and Bedouin civilians, threatened them with additional violence if they did not leave their homes, burned their fields, and destroyed their property. Such actions not only undermine peace and security but also create a climate of fear among the affected communities.

The implications of these sanctions are significant. All property and interests in property of the designated individuals that are in the United States or under the control of U.S. persons are blocked. Additionally, entities that are owned 50 percent or more by one or more blocked persons are also blocked. Transactions involving any property or interests in property of the designated individuals are prohibited unless authorized by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The entry of designated individuals into the United States is also suspended.

It is important to note that the goal of these sanctions is not to punish but to bring about a positive change in behavior. The U.S. government is open to reconsidering the designation of individuals if they demonstrate a change in their actions. Petitions for removal from the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) List can be sent to [email protected].

The United States’ commitment to promoting peace, security, and stability in the West Bank is evident through these new measures. By holding individuals accountable for their harmful actions, the U.S. government aims to create an environment conducive to peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

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