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Understanding Unions: Definition, Role in Companies, and How to Join

What is a union?

Union: definition

A union designates an association of people brought together with a common objective: to represent employees and defend their rights and their material and moral, collective and individual interests.

The union brings together people who have the same or similar professions.

Missions of a union

Its main mission is to negotiate with employer associations, collective agreements and sector agreements.

Organization of unions

The unions are organized into three sections:

  • At the national level, trade union confederations headed by a general secretary.
  • At the local level, trade union federations and union unions.
  • At the company level, the union section.

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What is the role of a union in a company?

Protecting the rights of employees at work

The main role of a union is to preserve the interests and rights of employees, but also to acquire new ones, both at the national level and at the company level. They have an intermediary role between the employee and the employer, but also between the company and the outside world.

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Inform employees

Unions post union communications on panels reserved for this purpose. They inform employees of their collective and individual rights.

Create a union section

They assist employees who wish to create a union section. It brings together employees who are members of the same union organization and ensures the representation of the material and moral interests of the members.

Defend employees

They defend the interests of employees with the employer in the event of a conflict.

Create a link between the employer, the State and employees

They contribute to social dialogue between the State, employers and employees.

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What is a representative union?

A union is said to be “representative” when it is empowered to negotiate and reach agreements in all sectors. He can appoint a union delegate, who negotiates collective agreements.

To be representative, the union must respect certain legal criteria:

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  • Independence and financial transparency.
  • A minimum of two years’ seniority in the professional and geographical field covering the negotiation level.
  • Respect for republican values.
  • A sufficient number of members.
  • An influence due to his activity and experience.
  • Have obtained at least 8% of the votes to be representative at the national and interprofessional level and at least 10% to be representative at the company level.

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CGT, CFDT, FO… what are the 8 main unions in France?

The main representative trade union organizations at the national level are:

  • The CGT (General Confederation of Workers).
  • The CFDT (French Democratic Confederation of Labor).
  • The FO (Worker Force).
  • The CFE-CGC (French Confederation of Management – ​​General Confederation of Executives).
  • The CFTC (French Confederation of Christian Workers).
  • The UNSA (National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions).
  • The FSU (United Trade Union Federation).
  • The united trade union.

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Why join a union?

Any worker can decide to join a union: it is a fundamental right.

This right is granted to any employee in the private sector, public sector agents, job seekers, students, retirees.

Joining a union brings certain advantages, including:

  • Be better informed about these rights at work and have local support in the event of a problem.
  • Get involved in company life and represent your union to your colleagues.
  • Run for professional elections, become a staff representative or be designated a union delegate.
  • Expand your network and deepen your expertise by meeting other members and professionals.
  • Benefit from the resources and means of the union.

How to join a union?

Any employee is free to join the union of their choice and to withdraw at any time.

To join a union, you must pay a contribution in compliance with the conditions provided by the chosen union. If he wishes to withdraw, the union can ask him to pay the contribution corresponding to the six months following his withdrawal.

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The unionized employee must pay his contributions directly to the union. The employer is not authorized to deduct the amount of union dues from the employee’s salary to pay them for him.

To note : the amount of union dues paid is deductible from income tax.

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2024-02-15 14:00:14
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