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Understanding the Impact of Heat on Electric Car Batteries

Heat is like a slow form of cancer for a car battery

20 July 2023, 06:50 17172 read 3 comments

Electric cars, which are an ideal means of combating climate change, cannot withstand extremely high temperatures. This is a paradox that occurs at a time when many American states are being burned by heat waves that are becoming more frequent and more intense, writes Bloomberg.

An electric car in a hot climate works harder to keep the battery and its passengers from heating up, and will have no problem functioning. On a chemical level, however, heat is like heart disease or a slow-growing form of cancer to an electric car battery.

The reason is that when the temperature rises, the ions in the car battery accelerate. Once this happens, they often have trouble attaching to the anode or cathode. To some extent this happens with every fast charge cycle.

To learn more, visit auto.blitz.bg.

2023-07-20 09:46:37
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