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Understanding the Impact and Limitations of Flu Vaccines: Protecting Against Influenza While Managing Cold Risk

This year, the flu is prevalent all year long… Most common from winter to early spring
Virus difference… Flu vaccine is not effective in preventing the common cold

During seasonal changes with large daily temperature differences, you should be careful of respiratory diseases such as colds and flu. Image Today

The weather became quite chilly with cold winds blowing in the morning and evening. It seems like late fall has been skipped and winter has already begun. During seasonal changes with large daily temperature differences, you should be careful of respiratory diseases such as colds and flu. This is because cold, dry air is advantageous for the spread of viruses, and viruses can easily invade the dried nasal mucosa, causing upper respiratory tract inflammation. Once the spread virus or bacteria causes bronchitis or pneumonia, the bronchial tubes swell and mucous secretions increase. These viruses are spread by coughing, sneezing, etc., and patients with chronic lung disease in particular need to be especially careful about infection as it can lead to fatal outcomes such as sudden difficulty breathing and respiratory failure. This year, with the flu returning three years after the Conora-19 pandemic, it is unusual for the flu to continue throughout the year, and many people are considering getting vaccinated. Of course, getting the flu vaccine does not mean you will be free from respiratory infectious diseases such as colds.

Jeon Da-som, professor of respiratory allergy at Nowon Eulji University Hospital, said, “Flu vaccination is not effective in preventing all respiratory infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses,” and added, “Preventing influenza virus infection, which has a high risk of progressing to pneumonia, is important.” “Purpose,” he explained. Let’s take a look at flu vaccination with Professor Jeon’s help.

◇ Flu vaccination should be obtained by November at the latest.

It has been a month since the flu (influenza) vaccination began in earnest at the beginning of this month. Children with weak immune systems (6 months to 12 years of age) and seniors over 65 years of age can receive the flu vaccine free of charge with government support. In Korea, the flu is mainly prevalent from winter to early spring. It is more severe than the common cold and is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, body pain, muscle pain, headache, and inflammation of the upper or lower respiratory tract. Compared to the common cold, the flu often causes complications such as pneumonia. It is safe to get the flu vaccine for children, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases who have weak resistance. Even if you get a flu vaccine, considering the period of time for antibodies to form, it takes about two weeks after vaccination to develop immunity, so it is best to get vaccinated by November at the latest.

◇Flu vaccine is not a panacea…preventing colds is difficult

There is often a misconception that getting the flu vaccine also prevents colds. Even people who know that the flu and cold are completely different diseases may think that the vaccines might be somewhat incompatible because they are both respiratory infections. To conclude, the viruses that cause colds and flu are different. This means that getting a flu vaccination does not prevent colds. A cold is caused by one of about 200 viruses alone or by a combination of two or more. The main symptoms include a runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, low-grade fever, headache, and muscle pain, but most of them heal on their own if the symptoms are treated appropriately.

On the other hand, the flu is caused by influenza viruses identified as types A, B, and C. Among these, types A and B cause influenza in humans. If you develop a high fever after catching the flu, difficulty breathing, and coughing with yellow sputum, pneumonia may be suspected and you should see a doctor. Using antiviral medication within 48 hours after flu symptoms occur can help relieve symptoms. When a healthy person catches the flu, the condition usually improves after 3 to 5 days, and most recover completely after 1 to 2 weeks or more.

◇ What if you already have the flu? Needs plenty of rest and hydration

If you have the flu, you should get plenty of rest. Rest strengthens the body’s immune function. It is best to keep the indoor air warm, but create an environment that is not dry. This is because cold, dry air has a negative effect on the respiratory tract. It is a good idea to hang a wet towel indoors and drink plenty of water. If there is enough moisture in the body, phlegm is discharged smoothly, which helps in the recovery of the respiratory system. If you have high fever and pain, take antipyretic analgesics as directed by your doctor. Professor Jeon advised, “Changes in lifestyle habits can affect respiratory infections,” and “It is important to improve immunity and exercise ability to prevent the disease from worsening.” Moderate exercise, such as walking and cycling, improves immunity and exercise ability. It is also a good idea to maintain eating habits that focus on fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods, low sugar, low salt, and low fat, and to make small changes in your life, such as quitting smoking and drinking.

2023-10-23 21:00:00

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