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Understanding the Color of Your Poop: What It Means for Your Health

Your poop can be all different shades of brown and green. These color variations are all normal and do not indicate health problems. A brown color is usually due to the breakdown of bile in your digestive tract. Green often comes from green leafy vegetables in your food. Think of spinach, but also kale or endive.

If your stool is green in color, this may also be because your food is passing through your digestive tract too quickly. Not enough bile is added to turn everything nice and brown. This phenomenon usually occurs with diarrhea or after surgery on your stomach or esophagus. Another possibility is that you are cutting back on iron supplements. These can also turn your stool green.

Pale or clay-colored stools may be caused by taking anti-diarrheal medications, such as products containing bismuth subsalicylate. If you need to have an X-ray taken of your upper digestive organs, you will often be given a drink that contains barium. This can also give your stool a clay-like color. So don’t be alarmed if you go to the doctor for such a photo.

If you are not taking anti-diarrheal medications and you have not ingested barium, pale stools are always a reason to consult your doctor. Especially if, in addition to light-colored stools, you also have yellowish skin or yellowish eyes.

Yellow poop can have several causes. It may be because your body cannot break down fats properly because your pancreas does not work optimally. If your stool is also oily and smells more than normal, you may be suffering from celiac disease or an infection by a parasite such as giardia lamblia. In that case, make an appointment with your doctor.

If you suspect you have celiac disease, do not try to eat gluten-free yourself. That is not good for your health if you are not gluten intolerant, as you can read in this article.

Black stools can be caused by eating licorice, taking products containing bismuth subsalicylate or iron supplements. These (food) products make the color of your poop darker.

If your stool has a tarry texture, this is a reason to go to the doctor. There may be something wrong with your stomach or small intestine.

If your stool has a reddish color, it is usually because you have eaten beets. Cranberries, tomato juice and even tomato soup can also give your stool a reddish color. Just like food with red food coloring. Think of ice cream, pink meringues and cake with a beautiful red gelatin layer.

It’s different if your poop turns bright red; then there may be something else going on. Bright red usually indicates the presence of blood in your stool. This may be due to bleeding in the lower digestive organs, such as the colon or rectum. Obviously this is a reason to visit your doctor. Don’t wait too long, but call immediately for an appointment.

Editorial FlairnbspNovember 26, 2023, 3:00 PM

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2023-11-26 14:00:00
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