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Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder: Symptoms and Causes

Hops.ID – Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) is a mental health condition in which a person experiences intense and persistent fear of feeling negatively judged or watched by others.

Most people often experience social anxiety disorder when they meet special people who can cause awkwardness with one another.

If a person has social anxiety disorder, then he or she often has anxiety or fear in certain social situations, some of which are as follows:

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  • Meet new people
  • Perform in front of people
  • Receive or make phone calls
  • Using public restrooms
  • Ask for help at a restaurant, store or other public place
  • Answering questions in front of people
  • Eat in front of people
  • Participate in interviews

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A core feature of social anxiety disorder is that they fear being judged, rejected, and humiliated.

What causes social anxiety disorder?

Health experts are still trying to find out the exact cause of social anxiety disorder.

Social anxiety disorder can sometimes run in families, but researchers aren’t sure why some family members get it and others don’t.

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Many parts of their brain are involved with fear and anxiety, so social anxiety disorder is a complex condition to study.

Researchers are also looking at how stress and environmental factors can contribute to social anxiety disorder.

What are the signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder?

When people with social anxiety disorder have to appear in front of or around other people, they tend to experience certain symptoms, behaviors, and thoughts.

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