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“Understanding and Treating Menstrual Flu: Symptoms, Differences from Common Flu, and Treatment Options”

Women know how complicated those times of the month can be. Mood swings, exhaustion or cramps can affect anyone. As if that weren’t enough, cold symptoms like stuffy nose and fatigue can also be linked to your menstrual cycle. These unpleasant conditions during this period are often referred to as “menstrual flu”.

Here’s what the “menstrual flu” means, the differences between the “menstrual flu” and the regular flu, and how it can be treated.

What does “menstrual flu” actually mean?

“Menstrual flu” is a condition that causes flu-like symptoms but is not actually the flu. These symptoms appear around the time of menstruation and can include a stuffy nose, irritated eyes, fatigue, headaches, hot flashes, and joint or muscle pain. These symptoms are caused by hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle, including increased estrogen levels that can increase histamine production and activate immune system T cells. Even though “menstrual flu” is not a medical diagnosis, the symptoms experienced are real and can be treated with specific medications.

“Menstrual Flu” Vs. the real flu

If you’re experiencing unpleasant symptoms, it’s important to be able to tell the difference between the “menstrual flu” and the common flu. Specialists recommend writing down whenever you menstruate and noticing if symptoms occur monthly and coincide with your menstrual cycle. If this is the case, then they are probably related to the hormonal changes your body is going through and it is important to identify this in order to pursue the appropriate treatment.

The duration of symptoms can vary from person to person and ranges from one to six days. It is important to pay attention to the type of symptoms you experience, as allergies, for example, are not accompanied by a temperature and usually last for several weeks. They also do not involve vomiting, nausea or coughing. Many symptoms of the menstrual flu can be confused with those of a regular flu, so the specialist recommendation is to take a flu test. Additionally, seeing a doctor can help rule out other problems, such as a thyroid disorder.

How can you treat the “menstrual flu”?

Unfortunately, treatment options for “menstrual flu” are limited, and home remedies are usually recommended to relieve symptoms. In addition to using regular medications, exercise and stress-reduction techniques such as yoga or deep breathing can be tried.

If these options aren’t enough, experts recommend talking to your doctor about using birth control, antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or cognitive behavioral therapy. Dealing with flu-like symptoms can be difficult not only physically, but also emotionally and mentally, as our mental and physical health are interconnected and can influence each other, according to research.

Sources: huffpost.com, webmd.com

2023-04-26 15:00:54
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