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Uncovering the Facts Behind Undercooked Eggs for Kids

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Various ways are taken to make sang baby stay healthy, one of them is by giving nutritional food balanced. It’s not uncommon for parents to give half boiled egg because it is considered nutritious. But are half-boiled eggs also good for children?

Serving with eggs is easy to prepare. Either in the form of an omelet, boiled egg, sunny side up, or scrambled with fried rice. Even children will like all the eggs served on the dinner table.

Eggs are indeed the most versatile food ingredient. Besides being easy to process, eggs have a delicious taste that makes them a favorite. The content is not playing games for health.

As reported by Hello Sehat, two chicken eggs weighing 100 grams contain 154 kilo calories, 12.4 grams protein, 10.8 grams fat, 0.7 grams carbohydrates, 86 milligrams calcium, 258 milligrams phosphorus, 3 milligrams iron, 118 milligrams. .5 milligrams of potassium, and 142 milligrams of sodium.

Not only that, eggs also contain various types of vitamins, such as vitamins A, B, D, E, and K. There are also two antioxidant compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.

Because of the diverse content, eggs have many health benefits. One of them is to form body tissues. The protein contained in eggs functions to compose various tissues in the human body, ranging from muscles, brain, blood circulation, bones, to internal organs and is good for child growth and development.

During this Covid-19 pandemic, strengthening the immune system is certainly the goal. Eggs, as an economical food ingredient can help you achieve this goal. The content of various nutrients in eggs is important to form the body’s immune.

But are half-boiled eggs good for children to eat?

Consultant pediatrician, Meta Herdiana Hanindita said, be careful in processing eggs so as not to reduce the various kinds of nutrients contained in them. Instead of getting benefits, misprocessing eggs can actually make your child sick.

One way to consume eggs that are wrong is to give them in half-cooked form to children.

“It is not permissible to give half-cooked or semi-cooked eggs, even raw eggs to children. Because immature eggs will create a risk of salmonella bacterial infection in infants and children,” said Meta in a webinar with Muslimah NU, Friday (16/7) .

Salmonella is a bacterium that can contaminate food. Foods that are not kept hygienic may contain salmonella bacteria.

Salmonella bacteria will cause infection in the digestive system of children. As a result, children experience digestive problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and bloody bowel movements.

However, these bacteria will die at a temperature of 65-77 degrees Celsius. So that cooking food until cooked can kill salmonella.

Meta also emphasized that cooking eggs until cooked will not reduce their nutritional quality. Eggs will remain nutritious and good for children’s health if given in a cooked condition.

“So if you give eggs to children, they must be in cooked condition so that they are better, not contaminated with salmonella bacteria,” he concluded.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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