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Umpteenth exchange of accusations between CPL and Maison du Center

The exchanges of accusations about the government blockade resumed again yesterday between the Maison du Center and Mirna Chalouhi (headquarters of the CPL of Gebran Bassil).

During its weekly meeting held by videoconference, the strong Lebanese parliamentary bloc (dominated by the CPL) again accused the Prime Minister-designate, Saad Hariri, of blocking the formation of a cabinet. “The Lebanese no longer understand the reasons for the Prime Minister-designate’s inaction and his refusal to fulfill his constitutional duty which consists of forming the government with the head of state,” the bloc said in its press release. And to continue: “Faced with this situation, the bloc is seriously wondering whether the Prime Minister designate really wants to set up a government or if, on the contrary, he wants to mortgage this file while waiting for God knows what. “

The response from the Maison du Center was quick. On his Twitter account, Hussein el-Wajeh, adviser to Saad Hariri, implicitly accused President Michel Aoun of blocking the formation of the government, adopting the exact terms formulated by the Aounist bloc, but by deviating them so as to return the accusation to the Aounists. “The Lebanese no longer understand the reasons why the Head of State shies away from his constitutional responsibilities and refrains from facilitating the birth of the government, by signing the decree on the formation of the cabinet with the designated Prime Minister”, a- he wrote, before adding: “The Lebanese are seriously asking themselves whether the president really wants a government to be formed or if he wants to mortgage this issue, as he had mortgaged the presidential election for two years. “

The exchanges of accusations about the government blockade resumed with a vengeance yesterday between the Maison du Center and Mirna Chalouhi (headquarters of the CPL of Gebran Bassil) .During its weekly meeting held by videoconference, the parliamentary block of strong Lebanon (dominated by the CPL) again accused the Prime Minister designate, Saad Hariri, of blocking the formation …

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