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Ukraine needs F-22 and F-35 fighters, our pilots will be able to fly them – Budanov – news from Ukraine, Politics


Ukrainian pilots will be able to fly American 5th generation fighters F-22 and F-35 and effectively hit the enemy, “we do not need much outdated fourth-generation aircraft [Су-27 и МиГ-29]”. This was stated in an interview Coffee or Die Head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence Kirill Budanov.

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Most of all, now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are in need of “very serious air defense systems/PRO, artillery systems of caliber 155 mm and above, and we also need combat aviation, and not the fourth generation,” he said and added that without this, “Russia’s advance cannot be stopped.”

The head of the GUR noted that the Russian invaders are armed with 4+ aircraft, that is, the MiG-35 and Su-30, and “we will not surpass them in numbers, but we can surpass them in quality.” Meanwhile, Ukraine needs modern air combat vehicles, he said.

Budanov, the journalist notes, was even somewhat offended by the question “will Ukrainian pilots be able to fly on such machines?”

“Do you think that our pilots are not of the same level as the F-22 pilot? Our pilots operate outdated equipment – and they destroy 4++ generation vehicles. They can be trained and they can do it,” the intelligence officer said.

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The journalist “told Budanov about the skepticism of some in the Pentagon about the possibility of operating and maintaining such aircraft” in Ukraine.

“My answer: they are wrong. Of course, our pilots are ready to operate them, – assured the head of intelligence. “We will defeat Russia anyway. But if we get this equipment, we will defeat them faster.”

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The journalist of the publication asked a top Pentagon representative about Ukraine’s ability to operate and maintain fifth-generation aircraft, but he said that he “is not aware of any Ukrainian requests for fifth-generation fighters.”

The official said that in a telephone conversation between US and Ukrainian Defense Ministers Lloyd Austin and Alexei Reznikov, “this topic was not raised” and he “heard about it for the first time.” When the author of the question asked if the pilots of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine would be able to fly such aircraft, he replied that does not know what skills Ukrainians have.

Eugene Pilipenko

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