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Ucipuci Toy Release: Latvian Children’s Bestseller Comes to Life

“Taking into account the constant popularity of the book among readers, observing how successfully Ucipuci lives outside the book – both in the Liepāja puppet theater, where 100 performances have already been performed, and on “LMT Straume” smart television, where Ucipuci educates and entertains children for the fifth season in a row, making a toy is only a logical continuation, which readers have been asking for for a very long time,” says writer and Ucipuci’s mother Zane Zusta about Ucipuci’s news, emphasizing that the toy is manufactured in Latvia, is a product that has been carefully developed for several years and is safe at any age.

The story of the book is personal to the writer – the idea arose in 2013, when her son lost his favorite sleeping toy during a trip, more than ten years ago.

That’s why the new Ucipuci toy has been affectionately called Ucipuci’s pet, hoping that the owl will protect children, readers and viewers in the future, the true love that has given great trust to the character created in Latvia over several years.

The writer reveals that there are big plans for the future in connection with Ucipuci, noting that they will be realized and directed for development as soon as possible.

The book “Ucipuci is looking for a home” was published in 2015 and in a short time became a children’s bestseller, surprising readers with an unusual solution – a paper puppet theater incorporated at the end of the book, for which Jelgava printing specialists were able to find a solution.

On the other hand, all this is complemented by an audio play narrated by the legendary voices of Latvian Radio Sandra Glāzupa and Gunārs Jākobsons and a song created and sung by the leader of the group “The Sound Poets” Jānis Aišpurs together with his daughter.

In the year of publication, the book was also nominated in the “Golden Apple” competition for the most beautiful books.

Two years later, the sequel to the book “Ucipuci thinks outside the box” was published, which was nominated for the Latvian Literature of the Year Award and the Jānis Baltvilkas Award and, like the first book, won the hearts of both children and parents.

Books about Ucipuci have been published in Lithuania, Estonia, China and Macedonia.

2024-02-29 09:18:33

#Ucipuci #transforms #soft #toy

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