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U.S. controversy over the indulgence of Saudi crown princes behind the assassination of Kashukji

Following up on visa restrictions for 76 people involved, even after the release of the report last week
The Saudi Crown Prince is subject to sanctions
Biden decided to disclose its position on the 1st

Controversy is growing by excluding him from sanctions even though the United States concluded that Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Muhammad Binsalman was behind the murder of the journalist Jamal Kashqji, who was critical of the royal family. It is in conflict with the values ​​of human rights that the Joe Biden administration has emphasized since its inception. President Biden is scheduled to reveal his position on the 1st of the controversy. During his presidential nomination, President Biden raised his voice over the Kashukji case and criticized Saudi Arabia strongly.

The U.S. National Intelligence Service (DNI) released a report on the 26th of last month stating that there was Prince Muhammad behind the assassination of Kashqji. In this report, the DNI said, “Because the prince had absolute control of the kingdom security team (who was involved in the assassination of Kashqji), it is very unlikely that this kind of operation could have been carried out without the permission of the prince. “Approved” and evaluates.”

Kashqji was brutally murdered while visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2018. Afterwards, Saudi authorities prosecuted eight people for the murder of Kashqji, and they were sentenced to 7-20 years in prison last September. However, it has not been clear whether the Saudi ruler Prince Muhammad intervened. The results of the Saudi judicial authorities’ trial have been criticized by the international community for not properly clarifying the reason behind the case. The release of the report by US intelligence officials officially revealed that the Saudi Crown Prince was responsible for the assassination case.

The problem is that the US actually gave Crown Prince Muhammad an indulgence while publishing a report with this content. As a follow-up to the release of the report, the U.S. administration announced visa restrictions for 76 Saudi citizens, including a security officer for Crown Prince Muhammad and former officials. However, the name of the crown prince was not included in this list. It is interpreted that the US, which must seek to stabilize the situation in the Middle East with the new administration, has made a political decision to save the face of its allied Saudi royal family. It is also known that sanctions against the Crown Prince could harm military interests, such as the export of US weapons to Saudi Arabia, which was a subject of consideration by the US authorities. Criticism is coming out in the US media and the United Nations. The Washington Post, where Kashqzi wrote a column during his lifetime, said in an editorial that “the prince is guilty of murder,” and “Biden should not give him indulgence.” UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Agnes Kalamar issued a statement and insisted that “the United States should impose sanctions on the Crown Prince as it did to other criminals.”

The Saudi government revolted against the conclusion of the US intelligence report’s conclusion that the Crown Prince approved the assassination of Kashukji, saying, “It is completely unacceptable.” In a statement, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “The report is false and contains inaccurate information, and it is regrettable that we have reached this inaccurate conclusion.”

New York = Jae-dong Yoo [email protected]Go to reporter page> / Cairo = Correspondent Lim Hyun-seok

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