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Tyrolean quarantine areas free again from Thursday

As of Thursday, the quarantine over the Tyrolean Paznaun Valley and the communities of St. Anton am Arlberg and Sölden will be a thing of the past. From then on, the “federal regime” also applies to these areas, Governor Günther Platter (ÖVP) announced on Tuesday at a video press conference. The basis for the decision was the number of new infections in the communities.

In the past ten days, only ten new infections have occurred there, said Günter Weiss, director of the Innsbruck University Clinic for Internal Medicine. In view of the low number, it would be irresponsible to continue the strict quarantine measures, Weiss emphasized. The decision was made to assess the situation due to the new infections because many of the components of the virus that had previously been diagnosed with coronavirus could still be tested for weeks with a nose or throat swab, even though people were no longer contagious.

Platter thanked once again for the staying power of the citizens in the communities in the Tyrolean Oberland and spoke of a “great success”. He was aware that it had meant a difficult situation for many recently. At the same time, the head of state warned the population to continue to adhere to all measures and restrictions prescribed by the federal government.

At the same time, Platter emphasized the positive development in Tyrol in terms of numbers. There are now only 622 infected – with 2,721 recovered. In the past 24 hours, the number of infected people has declined by 164, and that of the cured has increased by 165. Things are still looking good in the hospitals. Only 96 corona patients are treated there, and the number of intensive care patients has dropped by another four to 40. 37 patients had to be ventilated. A total of 94 people have died in Tyrol with or from a Covid 19 disease.

In view of the figures, medical doctor Weiss also spoke of a “certain normality” that will now probably take up space. The expert did not want to speak the word “Swedish model” with relatively few restrictions in public life or no exit restrictions. Weiss alluded to a “higher degree of skepticism” as to whether this would work in the long run, as compared to a higher infection rate.

When asked how the virus will develop, Weiss brought the example of the SARS pandemic into play about 18 years ago. At that time, the infections had been contained after a few months and “for some reason” no longer showed up. In summer, the number of newly infected people worldwide fell steadily. This would be one of several options. In any case, he does not share statements by experts that “you can almost forget the next two years,” says Weiss: “Perhaps the future is much brighter than some doomsayers predict.”

Governor’s Deputy Ingrid Felipe (Greens) spoke of a “fragile success”. You have to be patient and keep your distance. At the same time, Felipe also referred to further steps towards normalcy. From the beginning of May, for example, ÖBB local transport will continue to operate as before the crisis.

Source: APA

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