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Type 2 Diabetes, Herbs to Lower High Blood Sugar in 2 Hours


JAKARTA High blood sugar consequence type 2 diabetes can be lowered with potion in just two hours. Sage leaves have long been used as diabetes medicine , with research showing that these leaves can help lower levels of blood sugar .

A study examining the relationship between the herb and diabetes found that sage extract reduced blood sugar levels in mice by activating certain receptors. Further studies conducted on humans have also confirmed these results.

A clinical trial including 80 individuals with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes found that after two hours of fasting, blood sugar levels in individuals given sage significantly decreased when compared to a control group.

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Reporting from the Express, Friday (10/9/2021) after the receptor was activated, researchers observed the receptor clearing excess free fatty acids in the blood, which can help increase sensitivity. insulin .

A study conducted on mice with type 2 diabetes found that the herb worked in a similar way to the drug metformin, a drug prescribed to manage blood sugar.

In humans, the herb has been found to have effects similar to rosiglitazone, another anti-diabetic drug that lowers blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity. The researchers concluded that sage leaves are beneficial for diabetics to reduce blood sugar just two hours after fasting.

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