Home » today » Technology » Twitter opens Spaces, its “Clubhouse killer”, to all accounts with more than 600 followers

Twitter opens Spaces, its “Clubhouse killer”, to all accounts with more than 600 followers

Let’s go for Spaces, the live audio chat service on Twitter. This direct competitor of ClubHouse is deployed from today on all accounts that have 600 or more subscribers.

Two advantages …

Spaces was previously deployed on a limited number of accounts. As a reminder, he proposes to create audio rooms, which function more or less like those of the application from which he is inspired: a “host” launches a room, invites (or not) speakers.
Regular listeners can also access the room, which is clearly visible at the top of the timelines, in the form of a purple bubble around the avatar of the user who launched it.

Spaces has two huge advantages that could hurt ClubHouse: an already huge community, which has several hundred million users … And compatibility with Android smartphones, which strangely still does not exist on the pioneer side.

Also to discover in video:

Work in progress

Twitter specifies, however, that the work done on Spaces is not finished. The company plans to add additional functions to it in the coming months, including the possibility of creating “entrance tickets”: a host could charge for access to his room, fix the price of the ticket and the number Maximum “inputs”. Other options, such as co-facilitation, are also in the pipeline.

To launch an audio chat room, all you have to do is go, from the mobile application, to the composition window (+), then choose “Spaces” and let yourself be guided.

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