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Twitter Delays Blue Tick Account Verification Again After Eight Days

JAKARTA – It’s only been eight days since Twitter announced an account verification program to get a blue tick badge. And yesterday, Saturday, May 29, the company announced that it had closed this program. Only eight days!

Through a tweet shared by Verified’s official Twitter account @verified, the company revealed that too many account verification requests had been received. As a result, Twitter was forced to ignore some of the new requests.

According to the company’s explanation, this delay will last until Twitter is able to identify all user requests. Unfortunately, we do not explain how long the delay will be.

“We will reopen soon! (We swear pinky), ”Twitter wrote on Saturday May 29th.

The previous break lasted up to four years!

This isn’t the first time Twitter has delayed the blue tick account verification process. To be precise, this is the second hiatus the company has taken since launching the blue tick badge feature.

Twitter first launched this feature in 2017. At that time, the company immediately opened up opportunities for anyone to earn this prestigious badge. Literally, anyone.

As a result, at the time, the company received criticism from internet users for being caught checking accounts that supported white supremacists. In fact, this is an issue that is considered to violate the rules of the community.

Indeed, at the time, Twitter immediately responded to criticism from Internet users. One of the social media giants admitted that the verification program has started to lose direction and focus.

Initially, according to the company’s explanation via The Verge, Twitter said this program was an account identity authentication process. However, over time, the blue tick badge is actually interpreted as a form of promotion of Twitter itself.

Yes, the situation is really chaotic and has forced the company to postpone the program. Until eight days ago, Twitter presented this program again.

Of course, in the spirit of not repeating the same mistakes, the company applies several rules regarding which accounts are entitled to blue ticks.

These include official government accounts, businesses, trademarks, organizations, news organizations, journalists, entertainment accounts, sports and games accounts, activists, organizational activists and personalities who influence the digital world.

Not only that, the authentication process is even more complicated. For example, the account holder should include a photo of their ID card. For professionals, it is mandatory to include an employee identity card that can be used as a reference for the validity of the account.

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