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Türkiye.. 7 women were killed by their husbands in one day | Mix

Ammon – Haber Turk channel reported that 7 women were killed on Tuesday by their current or former husbands in one day throughout the country.

“In total, seven women were brutally murdered in Izmir, Bursa, Sakarya, Erzurum, Denizli and Istanbul,” the channel reported.

The channel, which published the names of the victims along with their photos, said: “The suspects are either their current husbands or husbands from whom they separated.”

The women, aged between 32 and 49, were shot or stabbed to death. At least three of the attackers committed suicide, two of them were arrested, and another who was injured in custody later died.

The fate of the seventh, who escaped from prison for killing his wife, remains unclear.

In 2023, the women’s rights NGO We Will Stop Femicide recorded 315 murders of women, 65% of whom were killed in their homes.

Feminist groups attributed an additional 248 cases of “suspicious deaths,” which the authorities described as “suicide,” to a third party, and noted an increase in incidents of window throwing in Turkey.

The country in 2021 withdrew from the Istanbul Convention, a Council of Europe agreement on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence that requires authorities to investigate and punish violence against women.

The NGO said: “In 15 years, the only year in which the number of murders of women decreased was 2011, the year in which the Istanbul Convention was adopted.”

A lawsuit filed by Istanbul’s public prosecutor against We Will Stop Femicide in 2022 over alleged “immoral activities” was dropped last September.


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