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“Turkish President Announces Largest and Most Unique Railway Tunnel Project in Istanbul”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gained attention today when he announced that a large-scale, complex railway tunnel construction project is underway in Istanbul. This tunnel will consist of three floors, unian.net reports.

Also, the President of Turkey announced that this unique tunnel will be the first largest and most unique tunnel in the world – not only in the history of the entire railway, but also in the context of the world. It is planned that the tunnel will go under the Bosphorus strait, behind the Marmaray and Eurasia tunnels.

Istanbul’s third tunnel will be laid under the Bosphorus strait, which will connect Turkey’s largest metropolises – both European and Asian parts.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made this announcement at a rally held today in Istanbul, stating that thanks to the implementation of this project, 11 different rail transport lines will be connected in Istanbul’s transport system, which will be used by 6.5 million citizens every day.

It is also known that already in October 2023, Turkey will open this unique railway tunnel. In addition, the opening ceremony itself is timed so that this historic event coincides with the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey.

2023-05-08 16:31:28
#Erdogan #decided #build #ambitious #tunnel #world

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