Home » today » World » Turkey Seizes Gold-Inked Torah Scriptures Written Before the Era of Jesus

Turkey Seizes Gold-Inked Torah Scriptures Written Before the Era of Jesus

Eramuslim.com – Turkish security forces confiscated the Torah or Torah which is thought to have been written in 2000-25000 years ago, or before the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Torah, which was written using gold ink, was found in Samsun province, Friday (26/3) last week.

Adapt Jerrusalem Post, Monday (29/3/2021) the police team carried out the confiscation after stopping two suspicious cars.

The Torah manuscript was stored in a bag placed in the trunk of the car, said the source, who asked not to be identified.

In a video, police can be seen rummaging through a number of bags in the trunk of a detained car. The ancient book was just wrapped in a plastic bag and stored in a bag.

Police were later seen removing the gold-inked Torah from a plastic bag, before removing it from the ancient protector.

“Five people were arrested,” the source added. The incident occurred shortly after officers found a Bible scroll of the same date.

Quoted Sputnik NewsTurkey is known to be actively operating on the black market for ancient religious artifacts. Last year, the police confiscated a Hebrew Bible worth about $ 1 million or the equivalent of Rp.14.4 billion.

The Bible was reportedly stolen from a museum in Syria and smuggled into Turkey. In 2018, security forces in Turkey confiscated another Hebrew Bible.

On the other hand, Syrian officials have repeatedly accused Turkey and Western countries of refusing to cooperate in the return of smuggled stolen artifacts.

The jihadists took the artifacts and smuggled them out of the country during the country’s ten-year civil conflict. [Suara]

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