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Trump on the 2020 presidential election: “I have never admitted defeat” | Donald trump

Former President Donald Trump has said he never admitted defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

The remarks come after the former president said in an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News in a statement about the presidential race on June 16, that “surprisingly, we were supposed to win easily with 64 million votes and got 75 million votes and we didn’t win, but let’s see what happens with that. “

When David Brody, host of Just the News’ “Water Cooler,” asked him on Monday if that meant he had admitted defeat, Trump said, “No, I have never admitted defeat,” then added, “The word is to grant, I have not conceded ”.

“All you have to do is read the papers and see what’s coming out now,” Trump said, referring to an audit that is taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona, and recent news about various health problems. electoral integrity in Fulton County, Georgia.

“Just take a look at what’s going on, read the newspapers,” he said. “Many of the mainstream media – in fact, almost all of them – refuse to cover it. Because I do not know. It’s all Pulitzer Prize material but they refuse to cover it. “

Trump told Brody that he believes the evidence will point to voter fraud in both states and that “other states are going to have that too. [evaluación]”. If the elections are found to be fraudulent, “people are going to have to make a determination about what is going to happen,” he added.

When asked, Trump said he would refrain from commenting on whether he could be reinstated as president of the United States. “I’m just going to see what happens.”

“If the elections were fraudulent, the people will have to decide for themselves. It will not depend on me. It will depend on the public. It will depend, perhaps, on the politicians, ”he said. “I don’t think there has ever been a case like this where hundreds of thousands of votes are found. So we will have to see what happens ”.

When asked about the rumors that he could fill the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2022, Trump replied that, although he has heard them, it is not something he has ever considered.

The former president said he is currently working to help the Republican Party win more public support in hopes of securing a majority in the House of Representatives and Senate, and that the outcome looks favorable, in large part because of their endorsements. “My endorsements have meant a lot. We are almost invincible, hundreds and hundreds of guarantees, people win, “he said.

As for what could influence his decision to potentially run for president in 2024, Trump did not respond directly to the question, saying instead that he is currently watching the situation, which has left him “very unhappy.”

When asked about former Vice President Mike Pence’s decision not to reject contested electoral votes and return them to state legislatures, Trump said he was “disappointed” by Pence’s decision.

Pence, who was presiding over the joint session of Congress on January 6 in which electoral votes were formally counted, said that day that he believed he did not have the power, under the U.S. Constitution, to make decisions about rejection or acceptance. votes, even if you were concerned about the integrity of the elections.

Trump told Brody that he believes Pence did have the authority to reject Electoral College votes for now-President Joe Biden, as well as to return them to state legislatures for them to decide which votes to send to Congress.

“I felt that I had the right to return them, and I should have returned them. That’s my opinion, ”Trump said. He noted that several undecided states, such as Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona, are “now looking at what happened during those elections.”

“I think they would have realized that they very well could have a different president right now if he had brought them back,” Trump said.

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