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Trentino healthcare company awarded for its effectiveness in responding to Covid

As part of the Program ‘Beyond the Call of Duty International Hospital Federation awarded Apss an award international for its action plan in response to the COVID-19 emergency along with others 103 hospitals from 28 countries.

The recognition took place following an evaluation conducted by a International Committee of sixteen experts operating in the health sector.

The program Call of Duty for COVID-19 was launched by IHF in response to the global Coronavirus pandemic to give due recognition to the actions and responses of hospitals and health services around the world that have operated “beyond duty“.



With the intent to support the continuous improvement of performance, this recognition was given to the hospitals and services that have put in place in proactive way exceptional and innovative organizational responses or actions to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic in your region and country.

“The recognition of the International Hospital Federation – stated the general manager of Apss Pier Paolo Benetollo – is a source of pride for the entire organization and confirms the important work done by all Apss staff during the spring of this year. A recognition of the great effort made during the first phase of the pandemic which is and will be a stimulus to continue to find innovative organizational solutions within the prevention and treatment paths in order to guarantee an ever better response to our citizens and patients ” .

The CEO of IHF Ronald Lavater said the overtime work done in response to the pandemic is transforming the future of healthcare: “One of our motivations in creating this recognition program is to highlight the diversity and agility of the hospital sector in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has forced hospitals and services to develop, implement and adopt new ways of operating and many of these changes have accelerated a positive transformation in the provision of care.



Given the characteristics of the pandemic, Apss has promoted I-PRO (Innovative multiprofessional PROgram for combating Covid-19 at all levels) a complete innovation program paths of prevention, taking charge, care, relationship with users, home assistance to guarantee the improvement of the response of the entire provincial health system.

The professionals (clinical, technical and administrative) have directly modified, dits own initiative and management processes in a short time, ‘care and care’ through the implementation of a series of initiatives directly linked to professional practices. The actions were subsequently brought to the attention of top management to ensure their appropriateness and inclusion in normal clinical-care-management processes.

The areas of development of the actions and initiatives concerned the activities: hospital, territorial, outpatient, primary care and prevention, technical-administrative and governance transversal to all areas.

The objectives of the program were: innovating through Smart solutions and ICTs, enhancing the positive impact of Apss on the health and satisfaction of citizens, coordinating with local and national institutions to ensure monitoring of the phenomenon, enhance professionals and their creativity.

The actions carried out by Apss during the pandemic were carried out by all health, technical and administrative workers through constant commitment and dedication and have been fully recognized and promoted by the management of Apss.

In the video, all the hospitals in the world awarded. For Italy, the only hospital awarded for the fight against Covid is this one in Trento



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