Home » today » World » Tragic Explosions Near General Soleimani’s Cemetery in Iran – 103 People Killed on 4th Anniversary of Assassination

Tragic Explosions Near General Soleimani’s Cemetery in Iran – 103 People Killed on 4th Anniversary of Assassination

Two shocking explosions occurred in Iran. Near the cemetery where General Soleimani is buried. At least 103 people tragically died while many Iranians came to mourn on the 4th anniversary of General Soleimani’s assassination by the United States.

On January 3, 2024, foreign news agencies reported urgent news. Two powerful explosions occurred near the Saheb al-Zaman mosque and the cemetery of General Qasem Soleimani in Kerman. southern iran At approximately 2:50 p.m. on January 3, local time This has caused at least 103 deaths and many injuries. Hundreds of Iranians gathered to mourn the 4th anniversary of his passing. General Soleimani A former general who was deeply loved and respected by the Iranian people.

Iranian television broadcast images of the area where two explosions occurred. Near the cemetery where General Qassem Soleimani is buried in Kerman. In southern Iran on January 3, 2024, General Qassem Soleimani, whom the Iranian people love and respect very much. Was assassinated by the United States on January 3, 2020.

Iranian state Irib television broadcast video showing hundreds of people gathering on the outskirts of Kerman. which is the hometown of General Soleimani During this time there were two violent explosions. The second explosion was approximately 15 minutes from the first explosion and the location was only about 1 kilometer from General Suleimani’s cemetery. And initially, no terrorist group has claimed responsibility.

General Soleimani has been obtained by the US government Former President Donald Trump ordered an assassination attempt at the airport in Baghdad. Iraq’s capital on January 3, 2020, causing great anger among Iranians.

#Shocking #explosion #Iran #General #Soleimanis #cemetery #dead
2024-01-03 15:25:00

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