Home » today » World » Toti investigation, Spinelli feared wiretaps: “For affairs of the heart”

Toti investigation, Spinelli feared wiretaps: “For affairs of the heart”

Aldo Spinelli, accused of being the great corruptor of Giovanni Toti’s political business system, feared having his phones tapped for a sentimental issue. This is explained by a passage from the documents filed in the investigation which led to the port president Paolo Emilio Signorini and Spinelli, Toti and his chief of staff Matteo Cozzani to prison and to house arrest. In a conversation with a woman in October 2022, the entrepreneur explains, the investigators write, that he «is convinced that he has his telephones and that of the woman with whom he is having a relationship, under wiretap because of “that affair we have” alluding to a threatening phone call previously received and attributable to the romantic relationship between the two”.

Another time he explains to Signorini: “We have the phones under surveillance, … so it’s enough to say little or nothing to each other.” The president of the port tried to understand where this certainty came from

And Spinelli referred to the woman “they didn’t tell her anything, they can’t tell her anything, they called the police, because then they investigate and then pass it on to the judge”.

But for this reason Spinelli in a certain period avoided talking on the phone about business matters. And since you can never be too careful, even on board the Leila 2, Spinelli’s yacht on which many of the illicit agreements contested by the prosecutor’s office were allegedly decided, “precautions” were taken.

Spinelli himself, his son Roberto, and the then president of the Port Authority Paolo Emilio Signorini left their phones on an outside table before entering the boat. A way, according to the investigators, to avoid being intercepted by any Trojans on smartphones, unaware, however, that the vessel itself had been stuffed with bugs and a video camera placed outside.

And yesterday morning Spinelli was the protagonist of a scene at the courthouse. He was also supposed to appear before the investigating judge Paola Faggioni but the interrogation was canceled and postponed because the chancellery did not send the certified e-mail summoning the lawyers Vernazza and Gatto. And Spinelli, who is not used to keeping quiet: “The lawyers aren’t there, they left me alone” he said smiling. But “you will know everything on Monday”. Then he replied to reporters “Look, don’t be afraid of not having evil”.

#Toti #investigation #Spinelli #feared #wiretaps #affairs #heart
– 2024-05-13 01:35:28

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