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Top model Summer de Snoo (11) about new documentary at Jinek

But fame has a downside. Many came negative reactions to Summer’s career. She would be far too young for this job and would not have chosen it herself. And because of the documentary, her private life is now also under the magnifying glass of the cameras.


“She’s eleven, you don’t know what she thinks when she’s 21 or 31,” explains Eva Jinek Summer’s mother. She replies: “We have discussed it with her. We saw everything before it was finished. She enjoyed showing people what is happening in her life, that she just goes to school, ”says Jessica.

But in the documentary we see that the modeling world can also be quite tough for an eleven-year-old. Summers manager, for example, tells her to eat less sweets. “I hated that that was said,” says Jessica. Summer remains sober: “I’m 11, that’s not going to be him.”

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Summer doesn’t seem to be upset anyway and sits at the table like she’s been doing it for years. Jinek expresses what we all think: “I don’t even know if I had a coherent thought about what I wanted with my life when I was so young.” Summer therefore laughs: “Modeling is the first thing that belongs to me. I just want to get to the top. ”

The three-part documentary Summer Picture Perfect can be seen at Videoland from 8 September. The conversation with Summer and her mother Jessica joined Jinek you can see below. Can’t see anything? Then click here.

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