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Top Indoor Plants for Air Purification

Specialists have concluded that some plant species, such as chrysanthemum or ficus, can improve indoor air quality by absorbing certain pollutants. Indoor air, where we spend 70 to 90% of our time, can be much more polluted than the air outside. Among the most harmful substances is benzene.

Plants that purify the air in the home

A study carried out by NASA experts has shown that certain plant species are beneficial for detoxifying the home from airborne toxins or germs, which are found in a wide variety of household products, materials and furniture.

They are said to absorb certain pollutants that are so toxic to our body. If we are often exposed to these substances, we can face migraines, respiratory problems or eczema.

Here are the plants you must have in your home:


Chrysanthemums can be placed in the kitchen or in the living room, as they help filter out many toxins, including benzene and ammonia. This toxic substance is often found in detergents, glue or plastic materials.

Mother-in-law’s language

This plant can be placed in the bedroom for better sleep. At night it releases oxygen and helps you breathe better while you sleep. Mother-in-law is one of the best plants for air filtration. It successfully absorbs substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, toluene and xylene.

Spider plant

This plant is also known as the “bride’s veil” and is extremely easy to plant. It absorbs all toxins such as xylene and carbon monoxide.

English ivy

English ivy is ideal for reducing airborne faecal particles, making it an ideal bathroom purifier. According to advanced studies, it combats mold in rooms.


Ficus can reach up to 10 meters in height if grown indoors and requires little maintenance. It has important air purifying properties, removing benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

Dracaena, the dragon tree

Dracaena is a slow-growing plant that absorbs xylene and trichlorethylene. It is ideal for apartments, but it is recommended to keep it in rooms with large windows that allow the sun’s rays to penetrate.

Read also: Why we sneeze when we have a cold. 10 causes of sneezing

2023-10-15 11:00:19
#Potted #plants #filter #air #house #relieves #migraines #respiratory #problems

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