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Tom Brady criticizes the NFL: ‘There is a lot of mediocrity currently in the League’

Despite his retirement from the playing fields last year, Tom Brady remains linked to the NFL in different ways. After receiving a warm tribute at the start of the 2023 season upon his return to Foxborough, Brady is a minority owner of Las Vegas Raiders and has also become one of the most important experts in the United States.

The winner of six rings continues to be involved in current affairs in the NFL, and on this occasion he has given a controversial opinion about the progress of the League and the current level that exists among the players.

In an interview with Stephen A Smith, Brady has been clear with his opinion about the current level of the NFL after retiring last year.
“I think there’s a lot of mediocrity in the NFL today. I don’t see the excellence that I saw in the past,” he said.

When asked what reasons he saw for this drop in level and the mediocrity that he mentioned, Brady pointed out several aspects: “I think that the training and management of the coaches is not as good as it was, I don’t think that the development of young players As good as it was, the rules have allowed for a lot of bad habits. Brady believes that overall, with all of these changes, “the product today is less than what it has been.”

The multi-champion in a match

To explain his point of view on the supposed “bad habits” that currently exist in the league when it comes to playing, Brady pointed directly to the way of playing and the way of approaching games. To be specific, he gave as an example some cases of legends who today could not be on the field in his opinion: “I see a lot of legends like Ray Lewis, Rodney Harrison or Ronnie Lott, players who impacted the game in a concrete way , and every hit they took would be a penalty today.”

And the way in which hits are currently managed is one of the hottest topics of debate within the NFL. While many players advocate regulating some types of tackling, Brady is at the opposite pole: “You hear coaches complaining about how their player has been tackled, why don’t you talk to your player and teach him how to protect himself better?” continued Brady, “We used to work on the fundamentals of these things all the time, now they try to have a regulation for everything. Offensive players need to defend themselves. It’s not about a defensive player protecting the offensive player, the defensive player also has to protect himself,” he shared.

For his part, Tom told an interesting anecdote to make clear the difference between the NFL of today and that of the past: “I didn’t throw the ball to certain points on the field because I was afraid that the receiver would take a big hit, that’s reality. I didn’t throw in the middle when Ray Lewis was there because I know he was going to knock the player out, and I couldn’t afford it,” he confessed.

Tom pointed out that the training is not that good


2023-11-21 16:14:24
#Tom #Brady #criticizes #NFL #lot #mediocrity #League

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