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Tired all the time, what subject to watch? “4 questions” help you select subjects! Partitioned ginger moxibustion “Xiaoyan 3 acupoints” regulates chronic fatigue|lack of sleep|chronic fatigue syndrome|hepatitis B|Health 2.0

Modern people are very busy at work. Some people feel very tired all day one to five working days. Even if they sleep completely during the holidays to make up for not getting enough sleep, they are still very tired on Mondays. doctor turned out to be diagnosed as “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” What exactly is “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”?

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“I’m tired every day” Pay attention to the fear of physical condition

Chen Xinmei, a family medicine doctor at Zhongshan Hospital, said that “chronic” means a relatively long period, about 6 weeks to 6 months. If fatigue has not recovered after this period, you can consider “chronic fatigue syndrome” Doubtful direction. Chen Xinmei said it is also a bit like a garbage can. When the cause of fatigue cannot be found and other diseases such as anemia and hypothyroidism are ruled out, chronic fatigue syndrome may also be suspected. The definition is a bit like “unrecoverable tiredness.” .

Also, what argument should you be looking at for fatigue? Chen Xinmei reminded the audience that it is necessary to recall the past medical history first, and it is easier to get the right department. It provides some pointers that the public can refer to:

1. Family medicine

No specific disease, just feeling tired all the time.

2. Department of Hepatobiliary Gastroenterology

Those suffering from hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other diseases themselves.

3. Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Infectious Diseases

If you’ve had an infection, such as COVID-19, cold, flu, etc., and haven’t recovered, you may also be experiencing fatigue.

4. Neurology

There has been trauma to the brain and fatigue may also be present.

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“Ginger partitioned moxibustion” uses the effect of temperature to stimulate the meridians and relieve fatigue

How does traditional Chinese medicine treat chronic inflammation in the body? Zou Weilun, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, said, “One acupuncture, two moxibustion, three medicines.” In addition to acupuncture, “moxibustion” is a very convenient way to regulate chronic fatigue in the fall and winter. After lighting the fire with moxa sticks, it is best to find a ventilated place, a distance of 2-3cm from the acupoints, according to the principle of avoiding burns, slowly smoking acupoints can achieve the effect of relieving the fatigue. Recommend the top 3 moxibustion points to relieve fatigue as follows:

1. Rear hole

The Houxi point leads to the qi of the entire governor channel, which means that the yang qi of the entire governor channel is here. Zou Weilun said that smoking this point will allow the body to flow qi upward as a raging furnace, which will help clear the heart and relieve depression, and can improve the health of the body. Pain in the back of the neck, headache, repair meridians and qi, and relieve fatigue. It is located at the junction of red and white flesh on the opposite side of the transverse palmar crease behind the fifth knuckle.

2. Neiguan point

Zou Weilun said that “ginger moxibustion” can be used in cold weather to have a better effect. The method is to cut ginger slices as large as possible, about 0.2cm to 0.4cm thick. After igniting the moxa grains, put the ginger slices on the Neiguan acupoint to help calm the mind and relax. The location is 2 inches below the wrist crease.

3. Shenque acupoint

The Shenque acupoint belongs to the Ren meridian, located in the navel, closely related to the spleen, kidneys and stomach, and is the general hub of all meridians in the body. The method is to lie on your back, light the moxa beads, put a layer of gauze on the ground, place a layer of gauze on the ginger slices, place it on the Shenque acupoint, and slowly fumigate the acupoints, which can connect Governor Vaso and Ren Vessel for regulating breathing and helping the whole body to circulate Yang Qi better.

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Tired all the time, what subject to watch?

◎ Image source/supplied by Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Consulting Experts / Dr. Chen Xinmei.Zou Weilun Chinese medicine doctor

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