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TikTok seriously has its hands full with competitor Youtube Shorts

After the success of TikTok, there were several (well-known) platforms that repeated the formula with love. For example, Instagram Stories and YouTube Shorts were created. A powerful idea, as it turns out.

YouTube announces today how many people actually watch Shorts. What seems? The platform is good for 1.5 billion viewers per month, with which it knows how to challenge TikTok.

TikTok faces stiff competition from YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts, the platform that saw the light of day two years ago, is doing incredibly well. Funny, because at the time of its launch it was often described as a rehash of TikTok. Yet it ensures success. YouTube reports that 1.5 billion logged-in users watch Shorts every month.

There’s no doubt about it: TikTok is dealing with a serious competitor. In fact, if we look purely at the current figures, YouTube Shorts even wins the battle. TikTok released its figures for the last time in September 2021. At the time, the counter was still at one billion monthly users.

TikTok on your smartphone
TikTok on your iPhone (Image: Unsplash)

The Chinese platform is expected to reach the 1.5 billion milestone this year. However, we cannot say whether this has already been achieved.

Still not full focus

Despite the resounding numbers, YouTube Shorts does not remain a priority. During the announcement, YouTube says that the platform can mainly be used to strengthen entire channels. So it continues to bet on lengthy videos that it has grown big with. And blame them.

TikTok has previously indicated that it also wants to bet on long-lasting videos. For example, nowadays it is already possible for users to upload videos of 10 minutes. In addition, the focus on gaming of the platform also seems to be increasing. For example, it does not only want to compete with YouTube, but also Twitch.

TikTok wants to get rid of Twitch: focus on gamers getting bigger

Knowing more? Then read the article above!

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TikTok seriously has its hands full with competitor Youtube Shorts

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