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Tikhanovsky’s ultimatum calls for Lukashenko’s resignation – Politics

Belarus opposition leader Svetlana Tihanovska has issued an ultimatum to state power on Tuesday, demanding that authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko resign as president.

Lukashenko must announce his resignation, the government must stop all violence on the streets, and all political prisoners must be released, the Telegram said in a statement on the Tikhanyov channel.

If these demands are not met, “the whole country will take to the streets peacefully with a people’s ultimatum,” the statement said.

Two months ago, people voted in the presidential election, but then “took to the streets to regain their votes, but received bullets, sticks, prison cells and cynical regime lies,” the opposition said.

Today, the situation has worsened.

“You’ve always sat us in jails, but now you’re starting to sit even more. You’ve always scared us, but now you’re starting to scare us more. You’ve always beaten men, but now you’re beating women, children and the elderly. Don’t try to ask. “This is state terror,” Tihanovsky said.

The country has experienced two months of political crisis, violence and arbitrariness, she stressed.

Protests against the rigging of the presidential election have been going on in Belarus for two months now. More than 13,000 people have been detained and several hundred injured during the protests.

According to the official results of the presidential election in Belarus on August 9, the current head of state Lukashenko won 80.1% of the vote, but the opposition candidate Tikhanovska – 10.1%, but the opposition believes that the election results are fake and Tikhanovsky won the election convincingly.

The EU and other Western countries have also refused to recognize the election results.

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