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Tiger mosquito: an indigenous case of dengue detected in the Hérault

A person suffering from dengue has been identified in Hérault. This is an indigenous case according to the ARS contaminated by a tiger mosquito infected by a person returning from a risk area.

A person was contaminated by dengue in the Hérault informs the Regional Health Agency in a press release. She was staying near a swimming area between Cessenon-sur-Orb and Murviel-lès-Béziers at a place called Réals. The imported case causing the contamination was returning from a stay in a risk area.

Transmission via a tiger mosquito

Dengue is a generally mild illness whose symptoms, similar to those of the flu (high fever, joint pain, severe headaches), can be temporarily disabling. This disease is transmitted from person to person through the bite of a tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) previously infected with the virus.

Reinforced prevention measures

Since the start of the seasonal surveillance period on May 1 and with the exception of this event, all of the cases reported nationally are “imported” cases, in connection with travelers returning to France. A case is said to be “indigenous” when a person contracts the disease without having traveled to a contaminated area in the fifteen days preceding the onset of symptoms. In view of this “indigenous” case identified in the Hérault department, reinforced prevention measures are implemented near the case and the area concerned.

Epidemiological investigation in progress

A local epidemiological survey will be carried out in the coming days with the neighborhood in order to identify possible other sick people. Health professionals in the sector are also made aware of the identification of sick people and their reporting to the ARS.

Favorable weather conditions

The current weather conditions in the Hérault are particularly favorable to the activity of tiger mosquitoes. This justifies the implementation of targeted mosquito control actions around the place of residence of the person concerned and the places they have frequented, in order to eliminate larval breeding sites and adult mosquitoes and thus prevent the spread of the virus.

These targeted mosquito control actions are systematically accompanied by a prior information campaign for residents. These actions are carried out by the operator designated by ARS Occitanie.

Practical advice to limit the proliferation of mosquitoes at home

Eliminate places where water can stagnate: small rubbish, bulky items, green waste … Used tires can be filled with soil, if you do not want to throw them away.

Change the water in plants and flowers once a week or, if possible, remove or fill the saucers in flower pots with sand, replace the water in the vases with wet sand.

Check the correct flow of rainwater and wastewater and clean regularly: gutters, manholes, gutters and drains. Cover the water tanks (water cans, cisterns, basins) with a mosquito net or a simple cloth.

Cover small pools that are no longer in use and drain the water from the tarpaulins or treat the water (bleach, chlorine pebble, etc.).

Eliminate resting places for adult mosquitoes: clear and trim tall grass and hedges, prune trees, pick up fallen fruit and plant debris, reduce sources of humidity (limit watering), maintain your garden.

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