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‘Three cases to sell stocks’ revealed by the CEO of Ho-dong Kang’

– [매일경제 스타투데이 이다겸 기자]

John Lee, an asset management company that led the Korean stock craze, reveals practical financial techniques for getting rich.

Representative John Lee will appear on the SBS Plus entertainment program’Kang Ho-dong’s Babsim’, which will be broadcast on the 22nd. He confesses the anecdotes and processes in which he was able to become rich, starting from the practical secret of financial technology for becoming rich.

In the recent recording, CEO Jon Lee emphasized that it is more important to start investing early and hold it for a long time, saying that financial technology is not a technique.

In fact, he said the longest stock he has is 30-40 years old.

Even during such long-term investments, there are exceptions, and it discloses’three cases where stocks should be sold’. MC Nam Chang-hee focuses on more realistic advice than ever by taking notes. Subsequently, Nam Chang-hee said, “Please pick up only three stocks,” and raised the curiosity that he couldn’t stand throughout the recording and made the scene big and small.

The MCs said that John Lee was a rich man and asked if the secret to early investment was that he had a lot of money to invest from when he was young. As a result, CEO John Lee said, “Actually, I was a dirt spoon!” He revealed that life in the United States was the trigger that opened his eyes to investment.

In addition, CEO John Lee recently revealed that he is at war with the law for children in orphanages. The sad story of the children of the nursery school and the story of John-ri, the god of stocks, in the United States, can be found in ‘Kang Ho-dong’s Babsim’, which airs at 9 pm on the 22nd.

[email protected]

‘Gang Ho-dong’s rice heart’. Picture of lSBS Plus

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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