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This young researcher managed to solve a mathematical problem from 20 years ago

Mary Fulfilled, a 28-year-old young researcher, solved a mathematical problem that had been open for 20 years.

This month he won the Vicent Caselles Awards 2020, awarded by the BBVA Foundation and the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society.

The researcher studies braid groups, explains the foundation. “Mathematics describes these entanglements, and their relationships, from geometry to algebra as well. Braid groups are also part of another, broader group of mathematical objects of which little is known: the Artin-Tits groups” .

Completed discovered that what was learned in groups of braids from geometry can be translated into algebraic language, solving a mathematical problem that had been open for more than 20 years, the foundation abounds.

After five years of work, the Spanish received this recognition for having solved the theoretical problem without an answer 2000, according to The country.

Mathematics was born in Córdoba, Spain, and has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Seville and a PhD from the Universities of Seville and Rennes 1, in France.

She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.

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