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This woman helped her best friend give birth. Then he stole the baby and made her boyfriend believe it was his

Two weeks after giving birth, the woman took her other child to school and then returned home with her baby. Along the way, he disappeared without a trace.

Heidi Broussard, 33, was last seen on the morning of December 12, when he took his six-year-old son to his elementary school in Austin, Texas. “She’s a great mother, thave to come backassured between tears her boyfriend, Shane Carey, father of the newborn girl, also missing.

The man said that when he returned home that Thursday, he found his girlfriend’s car parked. At first he didn’t worry, thinking that he would be visiting a friend in the apartment complex where they lived, but in the late afternoon he phoned the police and reported his disappearance, according to the chain NBC.

To be totally honest, this case is unique and we do not have a suspect so far, ”said the FBI days later,“ we are exploring all the possibilities ”.

The woman’s girlfriend assured that, if he had voluntarily disappeared, he had told someone. Also, both his ID and the baby’s diapers were in the apartment. “This scares me even more“He added.

“Something has happened, she would not have left without more”, the mother said of the woman.

A week after the disappearance, the baby was found in good health in a home in Houston (Texas). His mother’s lifeless body was also found, hidden in the trunk of a car, As reported NBC.

Heidi Broussard had been strangled. Next to his body a shopping list was found, according to the newspaper Austin American-Statesman.

The woman who lived in the house where the baby was found, Megan Fieramusca, who I was friends with the victim, was accused of kidnapping. I had told people around me that I was pregnant, and had a birth record with the same date as the victim’s baby, according to NBC.

According to court documents to which he had access the said dailythe woman, the same age as her dead friend, had been months faking her pregnancy.

Fieramusca had been described as the victim’s best friend, whom he had met 10 years earlier at the Texas Bible Institute in Columbus. When Broussard told her that she was pregnant, in early 2019, she replied that she was too, according to the newspaper The Washington Post, joking about whether they would give birth The same day.

When the time for Broussard finally arrived, her friend drove the 165 miles that separate Houston from Austin and helped her in the hospital with her contractions, being one of the first people in hold the baby in arms.

The detainee also told her then boyfriend that she was pregnant, in March 2019, and that was when the couple broke up. But they continued to live together; he said, the belly of his ex-partner was growing, and when he touched her she felt hard, but she never saw her naked because they were no longer together.

On December 12, Fieramusca told the man that he was going to the beach with a friend. The next day he didn’t see her, and when he returned he had the baby with her. A week later, the man was stopped by police when he was going to look for clothes for the newborn; the agents handed him a photograph of a missing baby. He answered: “That is the baby in my house.”

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