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This Prosecutor Is Proven Violating Discipline after Allegedly Taking Photos with Djoko Tjandra Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Sub Division II at the Planning Bureau Jaksa Agung Muda Pembinaan, Pinangki Sirna Malasari, was found to be in breach of discipline for going abroad without permission.

Pinangki was examined after his picture with someone who was suspected Djoko Tjandra and his lawyer, Anita Kolopaking, circulated on social media.

The meeting allegedly took place in Malaysia.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Attorney General’s Legal Information Center Hari Setiyono at the Attorney General’s Complex, South Jakarta, Wednesday (07/29/2020).

“(Pinangki) is proven to have committed a violation of the discipline of civil servants who have traveled abroad without obtaining written permission from the leadership 9 times in 2019,” Hari said.

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From the results of the inspection, Pinangki is known to have traveled illegally to Singapore and Malaysia.

Hari said, Pinangki claimed to go alone at his own expense.

According to the Attorney General’s Office, Pinangki violated Article 3 number 17 of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010, which states that every civil servant must obey the applicable official regulations.

In addition, Pinangki is also stated to have violated Article 3 letter a and Article 4 letter a Regulation of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER-067 / A / JA / 07/2007 concerning the Prosecutor’s Code of Conduct.

Article 3 letter a regulates that to cope comply with applicable laws and regulations.

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Then, Article 4 letter a states that prosecutors are prohibited from using their position or power for personal or other parties’ interests.

For his actions, Pinangki was sentenced without being given a structural or non-job position.

“In accordance with Decree of JA Representative Number KEP-IV-041 / B / WJA / 07/2020 dated July 29, 2020, regarding the Imposition of Severe Disciplinary Punishment in the form of exemption from structural positions of adtinya in non-jobs,” he said.

Furthermore, Pinangki can file an objection to the disciplinary sentence. However, if he accepts, the AGO will hold a post-dismissal ceremony.

However, Hari could not comment on the possibility of the case being investigated in the criminal domain.

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