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Corona expert Fauci: USA is moving in the wrong direction


WASHINGTON / BALTIMORE (dpa-AFX) – US health expert Anthony Fauci has expressed concern about the pace of corona vaccinations and rising numbers of infections in the United States. “We’re moving in the wrong direction,” he said on Sunday (local time) on CNN television. The advisor to US President Joe Biden warned of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. “So we practically beg people to go out and get vaccinated.”

The number of new infections has been rising again in all US states for a few weeks – the Delta variant is responsible for this. The situation is particularly tense in countries with a low vaccination rate. On Sunday, authorities reported a total of 15,711 new cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University on Monday. That’s about 3,600 more than a week earlier. The number of deaths with a confirmed infection decreased from 138 to 56.

In the country with around 330 million inhabitants, around 34.4 million people have so far been infected with Sars-CoV-2. More than 610,800 people died. In absolute terms, that is more than in any other country in the world. So far, almost 57 percent of the population in the USA have received at least one vaccination, according to data from the CDC. About 49 percent are fully vaccinated.

Entry from Germany to the USA is still only possible with a special permit – although Biden announced a review of the corona-related entry restrictions at the meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel in mid-July.

The Johns Hopkins website is updated regularly and therefore shows a higher level than the official figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) or the CDC. In some cases, the numbers – including those of new infections within 24 hours, but also those of the dead – are subsequently updated./alz/DP/nas

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