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This is what happens to your body if you stop using a loofah


Tuesday 20 September 2022

I wrote – Asmaa Morsi

There is nothing quite as relaxing as a hot shower after a long day. You probably have some favorite products that you love to use as part of your daily grooming routine, perhaps a loofah, without realizing that they do more harm than good over time.

But do you know what happens to your body if you stop using a loofah? This is what we show you, according to the “brightside” website.

Lighter skin:

While a loofah helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and make skin smooth, it actually works the other way around, as it is very porous, which helps to trap the skin cells you just removed from your body, becoming the skin cell. It is the ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, and because it is used and stored moist. In the toilet, they never dry out completely, creating the perfect breeding ground for fungal organisms that cause skin infections.

Prevent Skin Irritation:

Bath loofahs effectively exfoliate the skin, but doing it too often does more harm than good, as it irritates the skin, making it more sensitive and red in appearance.

Heals Epilator Burns Faster:

Epilators cause painful burns that take time to heal, and although exfoliating the skin can help prevent ingrown hairs, it’s best to avoid using a loofah for a few days after shaving, as there are many bacteria inside the hair. its pores and can enter your skin through micro-wounds.

Prevent some unpleasant symptoms:

When you get out of the shower and hang a loofah to dry, a humid environment creates ideal conditions for harmful bacteria to grow. If you don’t store and dry it properly, it can grow a dangerous bacterium called Escherichia coli, which causes some unpleasant symptoms, including stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. .

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