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This is What Diabetics Must Do During the Covid-19 Pandemic

TERASLAMPUNG.COM — Many health experts say people with diabetes are more susceptible to serious complications after being infected with Covid-19. This can be proven by the data of many people who are hospitalized or experience serious symptoms of having high blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is very important for diabetic patients to keep themselves healthy and safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Here are six things people with diabetes can do during the Covid-19 pandemic, as reported by the Times of India.

Eat healthy food
Sugar and sweets are not the only things that diabetic patients should avoid. Several other foods can increase blood sugar levels which are best avoided. Starchy vegetables, refined flour, and trans fats are some examples of foods that can raise blood sugar levels.

Green vegetables, whole grains, oranges, and nuts should be part of the daily diet. Nutrient-rich diet also boosts immunity.

Active and exercising
The main risk factor in cases of diabetes is uncontrolled blood sugar levels. To restore sugar levels, it is very important to stay active and exercise every day. You can walk, run, or lift weights, all of which are effective exercise options. Moderate exercise for 30-45 minutes every day consistently and doing the exercise correctly is enough to maintain health.

Stay hydrated
Diabetic patients are at high risk of becoming dehydrated because high blood glucose levels reduce the chances of hydration in the body. People suffering from all types of diabetes are at risk of dehydration and should maintain their water intake. Remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Diabetic patients can drink water, coconut water, or fresh juice. However, do not drink bottled juice as it is not an ideal choice.

Manage stress
Stress levels also play an important role in managing blood sugar levels. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol, which directly affects glucose levels in the body. It makes it difficult for the body to convert glucose into energy. As a result, sugar begins to build up in the bloodstream. It also intensifies the symptoms of diabetes, such as headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, etc. Reducing stress levels will help manage diabetes and also boost immunity.

Consumption of drugs
Take all medications prescribed by the doctor on time. If you have colds and flu, take all medications to control blood sugar levels. If you experience any symptoms of the corona virus, visit or call a doctor because some drugs can increase blood sugar levels, intensify symptoms, and cause complications.

Apply health protocol
Apart from following all the basic norms to stay healthy and fit, follow all existing health protocols to reduce the risk of transmitting Covid-19. Here are some important things to do, such as #wearing masks, #social distancing when leaving the house, diligently #washing your hands, and staying at home if you are sick.


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