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This is the hardest country to visit, do you have your wish list?


Travelling started to get excited again, holidays abroad have become the goal. But apparently there are some countries that are very difficult to reach.

An important document to take with you when traveling abroad is the visa. Of the 195 countries in the world, Indonesia allows its citizens to visit 71 countries without a visa.

Reported by Times of Indiathere are some countries that have difficulty in issuing visas for political reasons and security concerns.

Here are the countries that are difficult to visit due to their super strict visa policies.

1. Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is one of the least visited countries in the world, due to its strict visa policy. Only people from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and those with diplomatic passports can visit the country without much difficulty.

But if you are a stranger, you will need a set of documents including three copies of the completed visa application form and an invitation letter from the Turkmenistan State Migration Service. There are other requirements besides this one as well.

2. North Korea

North Korea is one of those East Asian countries that has created its own world within its fortress. North Korea is considered to be the most difficult country to enter as a visitor.

Those wishing to visit the country must apply for a visa through the government approved travel agency that organizes the tour.

However, for US or South Korean passport holders, it is not possible to enter North Korea. Tours are always guided here and strangers cannot speak to the locals, there are also some other restrictions that visitors must abide by.

3. Chad

Chad, a central African country, allows visa-free access to only 14 countries. However, obtaining a visa for Chad is one of the most complicated tasks. First, tourists need to get an invitation letter which is a very difficult process from the government of Chad.

This is why people choose not to travel to Chad, thus making it the least visited country in the world.

4. Afghanistan

The recent socio-political scenario in Afghanistan has made it difficult for outsiders to enter the country. For now, it is highly recommended not to travel to Afghanistan, as the country is not yet safe for visitors. Therefore, the embassy is reluctant to provide visas for the safety of its tourists.

5. Eritrea

Another North African country is Eritrea, a small and little known country. Eritrea is located on the shores of the Red Sea. The country is often referred to as the “North Korea of ​​Africa” ​​due to its political status. If you’ve ever applied for a visa, there’s absolutely no guarantee you’ll get one.

6. Nauru

This is a country of Oceania. Nauru is one of the least visited countries in the world. This is due to its remote location and poor connectivity. This country is one of the most difficult to visit. Visa rules are also quite strict.

7. Somalia

Somalia is a North African country officially known as the Federal Republic of Somalia. If you have ever wanted to enter Somalia as a tourist, you should think twice, as it is not only difficult but also highly discouraged.

The Global Peace Index ranked Somalia as one of the most dangerous places to visit in the world, due to political unrest. For this reason, embassies do not easily issue visas for visitors.

Watch videos”List of visa-free countries for Indonesian travelers
[Gambas:Video 20detik]
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