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This is the definition, characteristics, and also the formula for calculating it!

Free fall is a phenomenon that we can encounter everyday in this life.

Previously you may have seen fruit falling from a tree branch. The falling fruit must move from top to bottom in a straight line.

Without you realizing it, actually in this phenomenon there is a concept of motion called free fall. This time we will discuss this further.

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Knowing What is the Definition of Free Fall Motion

On this Earth, all objects will fall towards the bottom due to the force of gravity. Actually, there is one concept of motion, namely free fall.

The concept of this movement is the motion of falling objects that have no initial velocity. However, at the time of free fall, the air resistance will be ignored.

The speed of its motion will be constant or constant and have the same magnitude as Earth’s gravity. In addition, the time it takes for an object to fall to the surface will not depend on its mass.

The time it takes the object will depend on the height of the initial position the object fell. If the object falls from a higher place, then the time will also be longer.

This type of motion is also included in one example of uniformly changing straight motion or GLBB.

According to Galileo Galilei’s thinking, all objects will fall at a constant speed with the same magnitude if there is no air or other obstacles.

An object that falls from rest will also have a distance traveled proportional to the square of the time.

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Its Motion Characteristics

In free fall, there are some features that you must know. Here are some of the features:

  • The path of motion that the object is traveling will be a straight vertical line.
  • There is no initial velocity or in other words the initial velocity of the falling object is zero (V = 0).
  • Has a positive gravitational acceleration.
  • Displacement of objects will occur on the Y axis or the downward vertical direction.
  • Objects have no external force acting on them.
  • The acceleration due to Earth’s gravity is the same as the object’s acceleration a = g.

Also Read: Accelerated Uniformly Changing Straight Motion, Here’s the Formula and Examples!


You can of course also calculate the magnitude of the force of motion of falling objects. The formula is:

Vt = V0 + a x t

However, since V0 = 0 and also a = g, the formula can change to:

Vt = g x t


  • Vt = speed in m/s
  • g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2
  • t = time in units of s

In addition, you can also find out the result of the object’s height (h). To find the height of an object, the formula for the equation of uniformly changing straight motion can be turned into an equation of height:

h = 1/2 g x t2

for height or (h) can be formulated as:

Vt2 = 2 x g x h

You can use this formula to answer various calculation questions regarding free fall motion that often appear. (R10/HR-Online)

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