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This is how you recognize an insect bite


A wasp sting is fairly common. In the Netherlands there are different types of wasps that are mainly active in the summer months.

Wasps are quite aggressive. Especially if a wasp feels threatened, a wasp sting is soon distributed. In addition, wasp angels do not have ‘barbs’, so that wasps can sting multiple times.

Immediately after a wasp sting you feel one sharp, burning pain in itching. The skin around the stitch turns red and swells. The swelling and redness increases within a few minutes. Usually the symptoms disappear after a few hours.

Allergic reaction

Some people get one allergic reaction after a wasp sting. You are then hypersensitive to any part of the wasp venom. In an allergic reaction to a wasp sting, the pain, redness, and swelling are worse. You can also headache and feel sick, or even in shock touch. In case of an allergic reaction after a wasp sting, visit a doctor immediately or call 112 if you have a very serious reaction. Some people carry a special adrenaline pen (EpiPen) to suppress the allergic reaction after a wasp sting.

Treat wasp sting

See a doctor immediately if you suspect an allergic reaction to a wasp sting or after a wasp sting in the throat or mouth. In other cases you can treat a wasp sting yourself. A few tips:

  • Keep away from stung skin: do not scratch or rub
  • Cool the skin, for example with an ice pack or wet cloth
  • If necessary, use a lotion or ointment against the itch
  • Some people swear by using natural remedies: for example, apply some honey and lemon or vinegar to the skin


The most famous complaint after a mosquito bite is itching. Furthermore, your skin may turn red or swell and a blister may form. In any case, try not to scratch, this will aggravate the itching. To reduce the itch from a mosquito bump, you can cool the skin or use an anti-itch ointment. A doctor can possibly prescribe a corticosteroid ointment or antihistamine for serious complaints.

If you are curious what other effects a mosquito bite can have, read the file “What diseases can you get from a mosquito bite?”.

Allergic reaction

In some cases, a allergic reaction after a mosquito bite. Some even speak of a mosquito allergy. During a mosquito bite, a substance is released to prevent the blood vessels from narrowing and the blood from clotting. With an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite, you are hypersensitive to this substance. The itching, redness, and swelling are worse than usual. Sometimes the swelling even spreads over an entire body part. This is accompanied by a lot of pain. You can also suffer from large after an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite fluid build-up under the skin.

Tips against mosquito bites

A mosquito bite can be very annoying. Therefore, below are some tips:

  • Use an insect repellent, such as DEET.
  • Keep mosquitoes away with a mosquito net or mosquito net.
  • Prevent itchy bumps on your face and neck with a head net.
  • Wear insect repellent socks so that your mosquitoes don’t get a chance to sting your feet.


A horsefly bite is relatively common, because the horsefly is an aggressive insect. A horse flies into the skin with its sharp teeth and sucks up the released blood. A horsefly bite even goes through thin clothing. It causes a small but painful wound that can be very serious itching. You also get thick, red skin. Be alert to a horsefly bite, as the bite sometimes leads to one bacterial infection of the skin.

What to do after a hornet bite / horsefly bite?

Here some tips on what to do after a horsefly bite:

  • Clean the wound
  • Disinfect the horsefly bite
  • Cool the skin
  • If necessary, use an ointment on the horsefly bite to prevent itching

Keep a close eye on the horsefly bite. Is your skin very red and sore after a few days or do you see crusts on your skin? Then you may have a bacterial infection. In this case, a visit to the doctor is wise.


Do you suffer a lot from horseflies or do you not feel like a horsefly bite? Maybe a special horsefly trap or horsefly catcher is for you. A horsefly trap is a kind of black, hot ball with a net over it. The dare flies off and is then caught in the net.


In principle, a bee sting is uncommon. Only when the bee feels threatened does it sting. For example, if people or beekeepers come too close to a nest or try to hit the bee away. Unlike wasps and bumblebees, the sting of a bee always remains in the skin. The bee therefore always dies after a bee sting.

Pain after a bee sting

The complaints after a bee sting are similar to complaints that often occur after an insect bite:

As with a wasp sting, you can are allergic to a bee sting. A bee allergy can be serious headache or even one shock originate. Do you suffer from these complaints after a bee sting? Then always see a doctor as soon as possible.

Treat bee sting

If you do not have a serious allergic reaction, you can easily treat a bee sting yourself. The bee angel is always left behind and is sometimes still stuck in the skin. Carefully remove the sting. It is not it is wise to remove a bee sting with tweezers. If you squeeze the sting too hard, extra toxins can be released into the skin. Therefore, use a special poison extractor. Optionally, you can cool the skin around the bee sting or use an itch-reducing ointment.

Can bumblebees sting? Yes, bumblebees can sting. But a bumblebee sting is rare. Only when a bumblebee feels really threatened will it defend itself by stabbing. Bumblebees even stick through thin clothing. Unlike a bee sting, the sting does not usually remain in the skin after a bumblebee sting.

Is a bumblebee sting dangerous?

A bumblebee sting is not dangerous in principle. You may suffer from a red, painful and itchy skin. Are you allergic to a bumblebee sting? Then worse complaints can occur, such as breathing problems, palpitations or a anaphylactic shock. In that case, see a doctor as soon as possible or call 112 for serious reactions. Usually complaints disappear after a bumblebee sting. Optionally, you can fight the pain and itching with painkillers, coolants and an ointment.


Do you see a bumblebee nest? Then stay as far away from the bumblebee nest as possible! Bumblebees are territorial and want to defend their colony. Getting too close to a bumblebee nest increases the chance of a bumblebee sting. Do not just remove a bumblebee nest yourself, but contact the municipality in which you live.

Officially, spiders and ticks are not insects, because they have eight legs. Nevertheless, here we treat the spider bite and tick bite. Did you know that the tick belongs to the class of arachnids? A tick is an arachnid parasite, barely bigger than a pinhead, that can cause nasty diseases like Lyme and FSME. It is therefore important to protect yourself against ticks and to recognize a tick bite early. You can find more information about this little animal in our special file about the Tick ​​bite.

Recognize spider bite

For people with spider fear, it is perhaps the biggest nightmare: a spider bite. The spider spreads a powerful poison with its teeth. Although most spiders are poisonous, a spider bite is fortunately not common, especially in the Netherlands.

How can you recognize a spider bite? After a spider bite, you may experience the following symptoms:

In some cases, you can use one hypersensitivity reaction have on a spider bite. You then have breathing problems, an increased heart rate or you can even go in coma touch.

Treat spider bite

With a superficial spider bite, it is enough to clean the wound, cool it if necessary and apply a bandage. Have you been bitten by a poisonous spider? Then see a doctor as soon as possible. It is useful to know which spider the spider bite comes from. You will usually receive one or more of the following medications to treat a spider bite:

  • Painkillers
  • Antihistamines (for an allergic reaction)
  • Antibiotics
  • Tetanus injection
  • Specific antidote for special spiders

For this article we worked with Gezondheidsplein.nl. There you will find many more articles about health, checked by doctors and medical specialists.

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