Home » today » Health » This is a complete summary of the laws that are often a problem for civil servants, the potential to come out in the SKD CPNS 2021

This is a complete summary of the laws that are often a problem for civil servants, the potential to come out in the SKD CPNS 2021

WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, JAKARTA – The law is always a question material in every test SKD CPNS from year to year.

That is, the question of the law will also most likely come out on CPNS 2021.

Therefore, CPNS applicants, especially 2021 CPNS applicants, must memorize this law, which is always subscribed to out.

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Here is a list of the laws:

1. Law No. 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense

2. Law No. 8 of 2012 concerning the General Election of DPR Members

3. Law no. 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government / has been amended by Law Number 18 of 2008

4. Law no. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights promulgated on 23 September 1999

5. Law no. 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court

6. Law no. 30 of 2002 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes

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