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This invisible sports fitness effect is stronger! Burning calories better than strenuous exercise can prevent heart disease | Health 2.0

Many daily activities that don’t seem like typical exercise have fitness benefits; according to some groundbreaking research, the meaning we assign to these activities can determine whether we derive the maximum benefit from them.

Invisible exercise also prevents heart disease

The claim of “invisible movement” is not surprising: its understanding can be traced back to early studies on the benefits of physical activity. Shortly after World War II, Jeremy R. Jeremy Morris wants to understand why some people are more prone to heart disease than others. Suspecting that the cause might be exercise, he studied a group of people of similar social class and status whose occupations differed only in the amount of time spent physically active.

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It turns out that the men who work on London’s double-decker buses are the most suitable population for study. Although their educational and economic backgrounds were more or less the same, the drivers sat for most of the day, while the drivers remained active, often going up and down stairs to collect fares, issue tickets and help passengers with luggage. .

In general, handlers climb 500 to 750 steps per day on average. Although this exercise is relatively mild compared to marathon training, Morris found that,Daily exercise can reduce the risk of heart failure in bus drivers by about half

Morris has been called “the man who invented exercise” and his findings spurred further research into the benefits of exercise. The touted advice for 150 minutes of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise) per week can be traced back to those London bus drivers. These metrics are often advertised, but many people still don’t know what counts as moderate or vigorous exercise, which is important for shaping a personal fitness mindset.

To compare the intensities of different activities, physiologists use what is called the “metabolic equivalent” (MET) metric, which is the metabolic rate of exercise divided by the resting metabolic rate. For example, if an activity has a MET value of 2, it means you’ll burn twice the calories you would if you were sitting and watching TV. The metabolic equivalents of moderate-intensity exercise are between 3 and 6, while vigorous exercise is above 6. Whether you are training multiple times or in a focused session, what matters is your total activity during the week. .

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Invisible movement in everyday life

Many daily activities and recreational pastimes meet these requirements. Please refer to the table below:

This invisible sports fitness effect is stronger! Burning calories better than strenuous exercise can prevent heart disease

How many of us mow the lawn, play with the kids or dance in a nightclub without realizing that we are actually training? The commute also counts. According to a study by Imperial College London, around a third of Brits who use public transport commute to and from work, such as waiting for a bus, walking to and from a station or connecting to a train, already eligible for government compliance publication. physical activity guidelines.

See more:Do this exercise for longer life! Jogging and going to the gym are lost

◎ This article is from / “The Power of the Mind: Using the Expectation Effect of the Brain to Find the Switch to Turn Your Life” by David Robson
◎ Image Source / Work Week · Dazhi Image / Shutterstock

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This invisible sports fitness effect is stronger! Burning calories better than strenuous exercise can prevent heart disease

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