Home » today » World » The collapse of the BSP should not turn into a collapse!? BSP needs restructuring. Everything else is palliative – 2024-05-13 14:18:54

The collapse of the BSP should not turn into a collapse!? BSP needs restructuring. Everything else is palliative – 2024-05-13 14:18:54

/ world today news/ “BSP needs restructuring. Everything else is palliative.” (Duma, April 6 of this year; p. 6). An overstatement? Nothing like that, on the contrary – extremely precise and categorical!

Yes, but how specifically do we envision such a profound change? Apparently, it cannot be done overnight, but requires a complete process with successive steps. Here are some that deserve to be discussed in every major and municipal organization.

First – not to “squeal” (ibid.; p. 5), but to frankly state the truth that the result of April 4 was a complete failure of the political task of the 50th Congress “to organize for a radical social transformation”. This result is not just a “heavy loss”, but a complete breakdown of public confidence in the BSP as an alternative to the status quo – a bitter truth that every responsible socialist must face.

Second – let’s not ignore the reasons for this collapse, but let’s name the main one: the vicious “reform” of the party of the last four years, supposedly for a new moral image of the BSP, but in fact for a “purge” of the “enemy with a party ticket”, of ” the bought agents behind the scenes”. They remain unnamed to this day, because the matter was internal party! Nothing like that – after you have publicly announced the existence of such an “internal enemy”, you are obliged to name and denounce him by name!

Third – the request for anti-GERD cooperation must be accompanied by taking personal responsibility for the failure of such a broad unification before the elections – i.e. with the resignation of Chairman Ninova. We know from previous experience that the resigned chairman continues to perform his functions until the Congress confirms it, so there is no danger of powerlessness in the party. But the moral credit of the call for common actions against GERD will be immeasurably greater!

Today, every socialist is obliged to face his personal responsibility so that the collapse does not turn into a collapse. This requires not another aria of accusations of sick ambitions and unhealthy gloating, but on the contrary – categorical decisions in the direction of the reorganization of the BSP as “the party of the socialist ideal – bearer of the historical synthesis of universal human values ​​for freedom, democracy, equality, social justice and solidarity, of the socialist ideal”. (See the Program of the BSP “For Bulgaria – free citizens, a just state, a solidary society”).

Details are not and cannot be a problem if we are aware of the direction.

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