Home » today » News » This innovative application, which has already been downloaded more than 10,000 times, is piloted from Anglet. It facilitates direct sales for traders and offers a permanent showcase …

This innovative application, which has already been downloaded more than 10,000 times, is piloted from Anglet. It facilitates direct sales for traders and offers a permanent showcase …

Launched on September 15, the Trezam application, born from the mind of Bruno Rodriguez, has met with spectacular success. In just over two months, more than 300 merchants are already linked to the platform, which records a daily download increase of nearly 2000%.

Bruno Rodriguez has always worked as close as possible to traders. ” About ten years ago, I created a first company to provide solutions for small businesses. The idea was to offer them visibility and make it easier for them to sell online. “. We can already feel the DNA of Trezam, which germinated in the mind of the entrepreneur a little over a year and a half ago.

« I was looking for a simpler solution for traders. By observing the large online sales platforms, I wondered why individuals could make sales easily, and why merchants, whose business is the heart of their work, did not have a dedicated platform. This is how Trezam was born ».

Bruno Rodriguez decides to move up a gear during the first confinement in April. ” Everything was super fast! We were working almost day and night on the app, to launch a first version, from July “. Two months after the first version of Trezam, the application was presented to institutions and local communities.

« The idea is to keep the app free for traders. On the other hand, I sell packages to municipalities, for specific periods. This is where my cash flow is. The merchant does not pay me anything and receives the entire sale, except the bank charges for the payment platform. As if he normally sells. »Develops the creator. ” Trezam will be a real success if the app manages to stay free for traders ».

Far beyond free, which relieves members of additional costs, Trezam has many other advantages for merchants. ” I wanted to set up a real marketplace, easy to use for everyone. For their part, traders simply post their products online; while customers just have to look for what they want. I try to chew everyone’s work ».

Trezam offers an important digital showcase for traders, who thus have the opportunity to present their products 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. ” Many find a smile again and see new customers land. This is what I wanted. I’m not looking to make money with Trezam, but really to create traffic for the small businesses, which are in dire need of it. And by doing this, I also encourage people to consume differently, more locally. ».

« At present, Trezam has almost 15,000 references to meet the needs of consumers, always with the idea of ​​reorienting and favoring local purchases ».

Bruno Rodriguez is convinced that the current health crisis will raise awareness of more virtuous consumption. A philosophy widely shared since the first confinement, which had seen many initiatives flourish in order to preserve and develop the local economy.

« While reconfinement plays a big part in Trezam’s explosion, it’s important to understand that it’s not a quick fix. It is a real sustainable project, with which traders can work in the long term. We still have plenty of ideas in mind to continue to develop the platform, and help even more small businesses ».

The Trezam team, made up of Bruno Rodriguez and four account managers, is therefore working full time on this application, which is already appealing to the largest cities in the Adour basin. Thus, after Bayonne, Tarbes is joining the process. Mont-de-Marsan could follow. And this is only the beginning…

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