Home » today » Health » This chart shows you how small the SARS-CoV-2 is, so you can see how important the mask is.

This chart shows you how small the SARS-CoV-2 is, so you can see how important the mask is.

In general, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens that threaten our health are not visible to the naked eye. The SARS-CoV-2 virus that led to the current global pandemic is not the smallest virus. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like compared to other viruses, you have a chart.

Thus, the platform Visual Capitalist made a graph that puts into perspective the size of these viruses that we do not see with the naked eye. According to the Truth, who published the chart, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, although small in size, is not the smallest virus.

SARS-CoV-2 is undetectable to the naked eye, so it is very dangerous

For example, Zika virus and T4 bacteriophage virus – responsible for E. coli – are smaller compared to the virus that causes COVID-19. And at the other end of the scale, we find pollen, salt, sand, which are significantly larger than viruses and bacteria. They even enter the world of visible objects with the naked eye.

The human body is able to block them – a particle must be smaller than 10 microns in order to be inhaled by the respiratory system. In general, pollen and sand remain trapped in the nose and throat, they do not reach the lungs. But smaller particles manage to overcome these barriers. Dust particles, small soot – about 2.5 microns – are able to reach our lungs.

Moreover, smoke particles from fires, with dimensions of 0.4 – 0.7 microns, are even more dangerous, causing both lung problems and cardiovascular and neurological disorders.

So the particles of coronavirus they are smaller than red or white blood cells. However, a single blood cell is virtually invisible to the naked eye. To this graph, a single human hair was also added as a reference point for size comparison.

In conclusion, there are many different types of viruses and bacteria that are much smaller than we can see with the naked eye and that obviously affect our health. That is why it is necessary to wear a mask, especially during pandemics, in case it was not already self-evident.

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