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this big change that has landed on the application! – Gnatepé

In recent months, Internet users have shown their dissatisfaction with different functionalities developed by WhatsApp.

But by announcing that users can use the app from their computer, without having their cellphone next, the developers hit the nail on the head. Internet users are delighted.

WhatsApp: you no longer need your phone to use the application!

After several years of requests, users of the application WhatsApp will be able to rejoice. The developers have made an update that allows users to no longer need their phone to connect from a computer. Of course, it was already possible to use WhatsApp from a computer, but users always had to log in using a QR Code to ensure that they were indeed the account holders.

Since the update, no need to his telephone to communicate from his computer. An update that will change the daily life of many people. Among the advantages, that of being able communicate with relatives when your phone is discharged … Or that it is stolen from you.

For the moment in the test phase!

At the moment, the update is not yet complete. At the very least, it’s a beta version and bugs are therefore to be expected. To no longer have to use your phone to log into your account WhatsApp from your computer, you just need to update the app on your phone.

Then go to the parameters and settings, then “Connected devices” . Clicking on “Multi-device beta” you will allow your computer to connect to your account WhatsApp without having to regularly flash the QR Code. You can connect up to 4 devices to your account. “Once your devices are linked, you no longer need to leave your phone connected to use WhatsApp Web, Desktop or Portal” WhatsApp said.

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