Home » today » World » This Australian man covered the ulcers of his own country that defeated post-independence Timor Leste, Calling this Story Must be Broadcast Worldwide – All Pages

This Australian man covered the ulcers of his own country that defeated post-independence Timor Leste, Calling this Story Must be Broadcast Worldwide – All Pages

Sosok.ID – Independence of the State Timor Leste from Indonesia, cannot be separated from the assistance of several countries.

Two of them are blessings Portugal and Australia.

It’s no secret that Australia is a country that has fluctuating diplomatic relations with Indonesia.

So it’s no wonder that the land of Kangaroos is eager to help East Timor leave the Homeland, and stand alone as Timor Leste.

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However, launching Greenleft.org.au., There is a hidden purpose behind Australia’s wishes.

Apparently, Australia wants something big from Earth Lorosae, which this information was disclosed by an Australian citizen.

He is Bernard Collaery, who is known as a supporter of East Timorese law.

Saying that on the part of successive Australian governments have targeted and stolen the country’s resources illegally and immoral.

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He has been a friend and adviser to Timor Leste independence leader Xanana Gusmao, an adviser to Witness K, and a spy who leaked information about Australian wiretapping in the Timor Leste cabinet room.

He also defended closed court proceedings against accusations of falsely accepting an Australian in classified documents.

He has publicly pointed out that Australian ulcers have always viewed Lorosae Earth as a passive object.

According to him, Australia’s action to make Timor Leste the object of a cash cow is real, the country is being completely robbed of its petrochemical resources, both for the labor and liberal regime.

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Timor Leste is indeed a Portuguese colony, but Australia has a longstanding policy of controlling the Timor Sea in secret.

Australia illegally issues oil exploration permits that penetrate Portuguese waters.

As Collaery points out, he thinks the helium contained in Timor Leste’s proposal is much coveted by Australia.

In fact, it exceeds Timor Leste’s oil and natural gas.

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Helium is a strategic, expensive ingredient.

The Australian Ministers deliberately withheld information on Helium’s whereabouts when negotiating with the post-independence leadership of Timor Leste.

That helium can enrich the companies involved for Australia.

Collaery explained, it is very important for Australians to realize the extent of immorality, dishonesty and collusion from their rulers.

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If this continues, it could destroy the lives of the East Timorese people, without feeling.

Collaery is a life-long lawyer who serves as deputy chief minister and attorney general in the ACT government.

He failed as a writer, exploring the law more than his narrative

As an Australian he was a close friend and confidant of Xanana Gusmao, who had years of political conflict with Fretilin leader Mary Alkatiri.

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Alkatiri is depicted as wanting to get some government funds to develop Timor Leste, and negotiate with Australia.

Unfortunately they were actually robbed while none of the UN acknowledged the Australian government’s trickery.

According to Collaery, this story should be broadcast around the world, considering it a good source for piercing Australia’s ruling class. (Afif Khoirul M)

This article has been published on Intisari.ID with the title: Embarrassed By His Own Country Behavior, This Australian Unpacked Australian Ulcers In Timor Leste, Australian Cunning Makes Lorosae Earth As Dairy Cow Is Real

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