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Thirteen have been transferred to the accounts. By Polski Ład, however, they are lower. “I lost 300 zlotys”

Just started payouts the so-called thirteenmeans the fact that public sector employees, currently around 3.3 million people – received additional remuneration this month. It was surprising, however, that despite the assurances, the salary this month for many people was clearly lower.

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“Thirteen” for employees of the public sector. “It was explained to me in the cadres that thanks to the Polish Deal I lost over PLN 300”

– I earn around 5.5 thousand gross. zloty. The January and February salaries are over 3.8 thousand. PLN gross. I gained about PLN 11 a month on the Polish Lada. At the same time, as explained to me in the HR, I lost more than thanks to the same Polish deal 300 zloty. My thirteen was so much lower – she tells the portal Business Insider Mrs. Aleksandra, who works in one of the offices in Poland.

Importantly, last year she did not take a sick leave. She was also not on maternity leave – so there was no situation that could result in a reduction of the 13th.

The Polish Order introduced many complications. With an extra salary, you can lose middle class relief

– Such discrepancies may arise due to regulations introduced by Polish Order – explains Łukasz Kozłowski, chief economist of the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs in an interview with Business Insiderem.

As he reports, paying 13 PLN works much like a wage received in an irregular amount – this is what risks losing the middle-class tax credit, or even returning all credit. – It is calculated on a monthly basis, but a thirteen or a bonus may cause us to find ourselves above the annual threshold, although 12 salaries in total means an amount lower than the limit. In such a situation, with the annual settlement, it may be necessary to return the discount – he explains.

Another unsatisfactory situation is the loss of the middle class relief on a monthly basis. This largely applies to employees who earn less than 12.8 thousand during the month. zloty.

– If someone in one month has a total salary of more than 12.8 thousand. PLN, it will also lose the protection from the regulation, i.e. comparative relief. It assumes that in the case of people earning below the aforementioned threshold, for whom the Polish Order was unfavorable, the advance payment tax are calculated on the basis of last year’s rules. The lack of this protection is associated with a large reduction in the net payment, explains Łukasz Kozłowski.

More similar information can be found on the home page Gazeta.pl.

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This problem also applies to people who earn less than PLN 68,412 per year, i.e. less than PLN 5,701 per month. When someone earns 4.5 thousand. PLN during the month, the thirteenth will mean the launch of its payment of middle class relief in the month. Unfortunately, the money obtained will have to be returned to the annual settlement.

The biggest problem, however, is the loss of the possibility of deducting part of the health insurance contribution from the tax. In principle, this loss was to be compensated by a much higher tax-free amount, but in the case of the 13th and bonuses, this is not the case. – If we have two salaries in a month, one of them will be much lower precisely because of the lack of deduction of the health insurance contribution and the fact that tax-free amount we only settle for one salary. The second shows the scale of the impact of the lack of deduction of contributions on our net salaries – explains the chief economist of FPP.

The Polish Order is a symbol of excessive haste in creating the law

How could there be such an “oversight” in the creation of tax law by people who, as budgetary employees, also receive thirteen? It seems that the answer to this question was provided by the advisory firm Grant Thornton in a commentary to the annual “Legal Barometer” survey, which wrote that the Polish Deal has become “a symbol of excessive rush in law-making and the resulting problems.”

“Of the nine acts implementing this reform, eight were adopted in violation of the law (breaking the provisions of the Regulations Wash Of the Council of Ministers), and in the case of none of them, no reliable public consultations were carried out (either they were not carried out at all or they were of a façade nature) – the authors of the study indicated and calculated that the average time of work on the nine acts of the Polish Deal “amounted to an average of only 53 days “. This is 32 days shorter than the average for all laws adopted in 2021, “reads Grant Thornton’s analysis.

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