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Third dose Covid vaccine in rsa

Third dose of anti Covid vaccine arriving in RSA. From next Monday, October 4, in Tuscany will start the administration both to the guests of the health residences and to the over 80 who have had the second dose not earlier than six months ago. To get vaccinated, those interested can contact hubs, pharmacies and general practitioners. Subsequently, vaccination will start with the third dose for social and health personnel; but, for now, only for those over 60 and for those in particular fragile conditions.

To explain these methods was the regional councilor for health Simone Bezzini, during the now usual update on the vaccination campaign in the Health Commission, chaired by Enrico Sostegni (Pd).

In the meantime, the administration of the additional dose for the categories with pathologies that had an immune response to the vaccine lower than expected began about ten days ago. Vaccination is done by direct call from the health authorities. At the moment the people involved are about 9 thousand.

“As for vaccination up to the second dose, Tuscany – explained the commissioner – is around 80 per center of the population (not only those entitled to but the total population, including those under 12 who cannot be vaccinated ). A higher average than the national one, in particular as regards the categories of over 80s and young people; for the age groups from 40 to 70, the average remains higher than the Italian one, but to a lesser extent “.

The trend of vaccinations is now decreasing: in the last week we worked mainly on boosters, while the first few administrations were a few thousand. “However, Bezzini specified, the vaccination campaign continues in the points kept open by the local health authorities, by family doctors, in pharmacies and in campers that are touring the towns of Tuscany”.

Tracking and quarantine in schools

“As regards the tracing and quarantine in schools, ministerial guidelines are awaited. The idea is to abandon, at least for middle and high school, the quarantine for the whole class by adopting the”airplane model“, That is, the isolation only for the closest desk mates, next to, in front and behind, of those who tested positive”.

In today’s session, Thursday 30 September, the hearings of the Health Commission continued at a rapid pace in the context of the States General of Health. The first phase of consultation and listening, with the hearings in the committee, is now in its final stages, with over 200 subjects consulted among operators in the socio-health field, the third sector, economic and social categories. With today’s interventions, attention has been focused, among other things, on the role of complementary medicines, particularly in sectors such as oncology or for patients suffering from post-Covid symptoms; on the role of the infectious disease network, given that in addition to Covid there are other emergencies such as infections from antibiotic-resistant bacteria; on the need to support nurses with those who do regional planning and to keep professionals in disadvantaged areas; on the need to strengthen local healthcare, starting with the Health Homes, also guaranteeing new services such as the “family dentist”; on the advisability of not letting our guard down on diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C.

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