Home » today » World » They propose authorizing the adoption of children from the time they are in the mother’s womb in cases of unwanted pregnancies

They propose authorizing the adoption of children from the time they are in the mother’s womb in cases of unwanted pregnancies

Jáuregui is also an evangelical pastor. (Congress of the Republic/JReátegui)

Congresswoman Milagros Jáuregui (Renovación Popular) presented a legislative proposal that seeks to authorize adoptions when the minor is in the mother’s womb in cases of unwanted pregnancies.

According to the initiative, the adoption process would take place at the initiative of the mother, would be regulated by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations and would be processed notarized.

Likewise, it points out that this adoption process should occur with the consent of the parents. In the case of a single mother, she would have to present a sworn statement proving her condition and in the cases of minors, her parents or guardians must authorize the adoption.

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In the event that the future mother regrets her decision, the proposal contemplates that she can withdraw from the procedure at any time during the process, up to 30 days after delivery or before completing the notarial procedures that authorize the adoption.

The proposal of the evangelical pastor also claims to seek an alternative to the clandestine abortions that occur in our country.

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– 2024-05-10 19:02:33

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